Chapter 8 - We Cried Everitim

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We all sat together, crushing each other because of how close we were with trying to fit in the camera's frame.

"Hey everybody, what's up? It's me, Latte, and I'm here with Preston, Jerome, Mitch, Mat, Maya, Dani, and our new found friend–"

"I'm not her friend!" Preston called out. "And I'm stil not playing Cry of Fear with you."

"Ariel!" I said. "This will go up on all of our channels, so yeah! If you were wondering why we were gone, we got into a mishap with paintballing and dead people. The girls and I all came back from the mall, and I smelled bacon and so did everybody else. Mat was cooking it, so we walked over to the kitchen, and the aroma was so strong that I cried everytim. I asked if they we're having a bro's night, and they said yeah. I said we were having a dudess's night, so we were going to Logan Center Field for a match of paintball. Mat said Ariel couldn't even kill a person in Call of Duty, so two hours later, there we were, all playing COD. Ariel quickscoped across the map, so Mat was wrong. It was almost 12, so we went to go change in comfortable attire for painballing, along with our gear. We drove to Logan Center Field, and started the match. All of a sudden, we heard a gunshot and ran to the treeline. I jumped down, everybody followed me, and we went after the bitch. Dani, Mitch, Jerome, and I pounced on the bastard. We let him go, so we split off into two groups to find our cars. Jerome and I, Mitch and Dani, Prissy and Ari, and Maya and Mat. We eventually found it and got home. The end."

A/N: I wanted to end the chapter here, because this a filler/recap of the chapters where they were in Logan Center Field. Its just a filler, again.

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