Chapter 14 - Hunt That OpTic, Tom!

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"Yeah dude, little Matty has a crush!"

"No I don't!" He blushed and so did Ariel. I saw Maya's face get flustered, and then it turned back to the normal. I nudged her, and she looked at me. The conversation was still going on about wether Mat had a crush on Ariel, and quite frankly, I think he did.

"Wait, wait, do you hear that?" I asked.

"Sounds like someone's stomach is growling." Ariel said. I looked out of the opening, and there was a bear.

"Chill, just zip up the tent and stay quiet." I said.

"Why should we listen to you?" Prissy asked.

"Because, I don't really think you want to be mauled by a bear when you just woke up."

"It's a bear?" Jerome exclaimed.

"Shut the fuck up, Jerome!" Maya said.

"Okay, who took track?" I asked. Preston raised his hand. "Is that it?" Everyone nodded. "Preston, let's make a run for it and grab everything that we need. Everyone else, make storage and help us get the stuff up there. Okay, I'll go out first. Preston, follow. Leggo." I jumped out of the tree, and Preston landed next to me. I shimmied over to the next tree, and so on. I walked into the opening, and ran over to the other side of the tree line. I looked back at Jerome and Mitch, who were sitting right on the edge of the tree. I contnued to the car, grabbing a branch to pull myself up and move along. I landed on the hood of Danielle's jeep, and I looked back to see her glaring at me. I saw the bear accelerate towards me. Luckily, there was a branch above me, and I was tall enough to reach it. I jumped, as soon as the bear clawed, and was suspended from a tree branch with an angry bear below me.



I hung up there, for god knows how long, and my arms were starting to give out. I pulled my chin up over the branch and pulled myself on. I blew a strand of hair out of my face, and looked at Preston. He was down on the ground, smirking at me. The bastard.

"Prissy, what the hell?"

"What, Lolttie? Stuck in a bit of a predicament?"

"Shut up. This is a life or death situation." I grunted, pushing a leaf out of my face. I held on to the surrounding branches as I stood up. This was a forest, so basically all I had to do was parkour and I'm home free.

Not today.

I heard Preston scream, and I fell.

With the exception of not dying, but breaking my leg.

"Lotts?" I let out a loud scream, and looked at my leg, once more. "Lottie?"

"Yes, assholes?"

"Are you okay?" Everybody simultaneously asked.

"Nope, just fine. Cause I can totally walk on my broken leg."

"You broke it?"

"Nope, just a bent leg is all." I say, gritting my teeth.

"Guys, pack up the tent and shit, we're leaving. Ariel, Dani, and Jerome, take Lottie to the nearest hospital. The rest, take down the tent and get everything else." Preston said.

"Hm, Prissy. It's a good change calling me Lottie, y'know?"

"Don't think that calling you Lottie is a change."


I managed to stay alive during the drive, but the pain was really bad. I sucked it up though, not trying to sound like a wimp. Dani drove, Ariel sat in the front, and Jerome sat in the back with me. My head was laying on his lap, and my legs were stretched out, and with the 3G I had, I was watching Syndicate's new episode of his series, Hunting OpTic. I loved that series so dearly, and Tom was one of my friends. Funny story of how we met.

"This is so epic!" I whispered. I peeked in the open door, and signaled for Maya and Danielle to come in. No one was in there, so I walked in. Dani and Maya followed me. I did the signal things again, having thought of them just 5 seconds ago. Dani and Maya went to go burn something in the microwave, and I checked the hotel room for anything, or anybody. I walked in the bedroom, and bam! A sleeping man. I tried to back out of the door, but bumped into the wall. Fuck! He's stirring! I moved out of the room, shutting the door. It shut with a bang, and I heard covers rustling. I ran into the kitchen and with my friends, hurried out of the room. I ran into our room, and jumped on the bed. Dani left a bit of the door open, so now the dude can find us. Fuck. I heard footsteps, and we all grabbed our laptops and started to play Dota 2. The dude barged in, equipped with a hella sexy British accent.

"What the fuck?"

"What?" Maya asked.

"You guys were in my hotel room!"

"No, we were playing Dota!" I showed him my screen, and looked at him with a confused face. He was obviously shirtless, coming from a slumber.

"You're lying." He said. "I'm going down to the front desk."

"NO!" Danielle screamed. I glared at her, and Maya let out a sigh and went back to Dota. "What? I accidentally exited out of the tab."

"No, it was us. We saw your door open and we took advantage and one thing led to another

"It's alright. So what brings you girls to E3?"

And that, was a start of a good friendship.

I was so caught up in the video, and the pain got out of my system a bit.

"What?" Jerome asked.

"What?" I asked.

"You said, 'hunt that OpTic, Tom!'"

"Oh," I said, blushing. "Just a bit caught up in the video, is all."

He bent down to whisper in my ear, "just checking."

A/N: Long chapter heyooooooooooooooooooo

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