[9] Untameable Party

Depuis le début

There were people loitering around the front door, probably harassing people that entered and exited the house. One of the girls standing fell over from where she stood, bursting into a fit of giggles.

          I could only imagine what the inside of the house would look like. The party only started two hours ago.

          Whipping out my cell phone, I sent a quick text to Ruth.

          @ party. I’ll keep you updated.

          I’m one of those people that always send grammatically correct text messages. I just think that it’s annoying trying to figure out what all of the letters and numbers mean rather than just reading completely written out words.

          My phone vibrated and I flipped it open.


          Deciding to be brave, I walked up the driveway with my head held high. Though, I could already feel my eyelids drooping. My day was catching up with me, and not being very pleasant about it either.

          My feet climbed up the concrete steps outside and I brushed past the girls that were harassing people entering the home. James was right behind me and I didn’t miss that he poked them and they went flying backwards. My lips twitched in amusement, but I turned around and gave him a cold glare. He merely shrugged, tilting his head around the place to see what it was like.

          Since James was always with a boring girl like myself, he hadn’t been to many parties. At least, that I knew of.

          The rooms were brightly lit, flashing with throbbing lights. Whoever owned the home was very wealthy, considering there was a DJ, strobe lights, fancy leather furniture and plenty of alcohol. The wood floors were no doubt mahogany, which I smiled ruefully to myself about. Hopefully no one spilled their drink on the expensive flooring. Though, from all the old looking stains already present, I’m sure the family was used to it.

          “Hey, Rachel!” a voice yelled from across the room. My eyes snapped up, wondering how I could already see someone I knew. The hint of a smile on my face vanished when I realized who it was. I watched as Jared from the jewelry place earlier that day waved at me.

          I really disliked him for some reason.

          Almost attached to his hip was Diane, the girl who’d I grown to already dislike. What was with my judgments lately? They hadn’t done anything to upset me, so why was I so sensitive?

          Sighing quietly, I waved at the couple. There was no reason to be rude to them.

          Jared started weaving his way through the crowd, but was pulled back by Diane. She whispered something in his ear and he grudgingly stepped backwards and headed to the bar. She must’ve asked him to get her a drink. Her head turned in my direction, and the poisonous look she sent my way was enough to kill puppies.

          Beside me, someone grabbed my hand. Just from the feel of the hand, I knew it was James. “Jonathan’s over there,” James pointed in a certain direction.

          “Where’s William?” I asked him in a hushed tone. That’s really what I needed to know.

          James shrugged, pressing his lips tightly together. “Jeez, what is your problem with him?” I hissed underneath my breath.

          He looked taken aback with my outburst, but didn’t respond. James looked at the ground and clicked his jaw back and forth.

          “Who you talking to?” a voice asked from behind me. I spun around, greeted by the suspicious face of Jared.

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