A Compilation of News Reports

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June 5th, 2015 – Investigation at Dead-End

A coroner in the investigation into the disappearance of the 'World Twins' and their mother; Taishya Rovanoff, has announced that the investigation may be coming to a close. Coroner Peters released a statement in the late hours of yesterday saying, "We are sad to inform you that the case involving the 'world babies' as they have been dubbed, respectably, and their mother; Miss Taishya Rovanoff, has now been deemed to be cold with no further direction stable enough to lead the direction." The world is yet again thrown in a state of turmoil and gut-wrenching shock.

July 2nd, 2015 – Canada Welcomes a Set of Twins much to the Worlds Agony

In a time which should be of celebration, the world is yet again painfully reminded about the missing twins as Ukraine and Canada welcome their own set. The two married late last year with a small ceremony at Niagara Falls. Matthew Williams, who is known for being notoriously quiet, released a statement yesterday describing the true miracle his tins should be noted for, "Ukraine and I have had a long journey in preparation for the children. We knew for some time that we would have twins yet we opted to choose not to announce it to everyone with all that has gone on this year. They have arrived unexpectedly early but my wife and they are doing well.

"We have decided to not release much more about them, in fear of the possibility of kidnapping, however, as far as nicknames go, we have labelled the oldest, our son; 'Milly', a name my wife put forward, and the youngest via three and half minutes, our daughter; 'Al' after my brother. Thank you. That will be all."

In response to his brother's statement, Alfred Jones the United States of America said only hours after, "I want my brother to know how great that is! Dude! If you are listening, Mattie, then me and Bel (Belarus) are so happy for you! We'll be over to see you soon. As for everyone else, while this is great news, let's not forget about the babies we lost."

The country of Belarus who happens to be Ukraine's' sister and openly dating America for less than a year has also released a statement saying, "Sister, our thoughts are with you. My brother and I have spoken over the phone and he is ecstatic. He cannot wait to meet his new niece and nephew as can I. We hope to fly to meet with you very soon."

The nation of France, Mr Francis Bonnefoy has also released a statement to the world with regards to his 'brother' and his new 'niece' and 'nephew'. "I am so happy for them (Canada and Ukraine)." France was ecstatic yesterday in a TV interview, "They deserve these two (babies). It just goes to show love really does conquer all."

December 30th, 2015 – UN Marks Date of International Mourning

In correspondence to this day marking the somewhat patriotic and missing KGB agent, Taishya Rovanoff's 20th Birthday, the UN has declared it a day of commemoration where thousands of people across the world have joined in on marches aiming to create awareness about kidnapping.

January 2nd, 2016 – New Year Happiness as Blissful World Couple Marry

Americans and Hetalians rejoiced yesterday as a 'ship' became 'canon'. In a rather public affair under the Statue of Liberty, Natalya Arlovskaya the country of Belarus and Alfred Jones the country of the United States of America said their vows.

"I was actually happier that England was America's best man." A devoted Hetalian stated, "Like, I was jogging past and there was this huge crowd and then bam! I saw England next to America and Belarus next to him and I can now die happy. I took pictures on my phone but they aren't really good because I was too far away."

Records were broken with more people tuning in from across the world to watch the livestream cast of the ceremony than that of William and Kate in 2011 and the ill-ended wedding of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphreys in 2012.

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