Chapter 2

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~Your P.O.V~ (Yay finally :3)

Its 5:30am I dunno why I always get up at this time I'm just weird then. Everyone is still asleep even (d/n). So I grab all my stuff that I need to take a shower with and my favorite soap (f/s) (favorite soap) and I head to the shower.

~Time Skip brought to you by the ghost box Oooooo (~°o°)~ ~

After I get dress and pack my things for school its almost time for me to leave out for school. "Be careful honey don't get into any trouble and have a good day!!" Mom says to me as I pet (d/n) before I leave for school "Ok mum thanks" I said back and I look down and I see (d/n) looking at me with sad puppy eyes. I bend down and hugged her. "Don't worry (girl/boy) I'll be back alright and don't go ghost on me while I'm gone can't let ya have all the fun alright" I said whispering the last part so my parents won't hear me. Did I mentioned that me and (d/g) were half ghost... I didn't oh well now you know ;3 "Bye mom bye dad see ya later!!" I said as I leave the house they both said bye to me as I shut the door. As I walk off the porch I see that guy from next door...heh I'm taller than him. I was always tall when I was little...Ok maybe not thaaat tall but I'm about 5'8. I walked pass the black haired boy not really want to talk to him I'm kinda shy around new people so that's my excuse. I pull out my phone and start reading on wattpad. (Like right now (ง ˙o˙)ว ) As I'm reading I ran into someone behind them. I fall on my butt and I looked up to see some blond jock. (Aww snap SOMEONE CALL THE RAPE'll see wut I'm talking about) He turns around and looks at me with a pervert face. Shit why me
I thought while getting up and brushing myself. Then the jock speaks to me great... "You must be the new girl everyone's talking about I'm Dash and your hot" he said and I just rolled my eyes cause I'm sassy like that (XDDDD I dunno) and walked off into my new school that I have to go to. I took a deep breath and walked to the principal office to get my schedule and my locker number.

~Time skip to lunch time that's the best part of school~

Yay lunch finally I wasn't really paying attention to the teacher I was just drawing and acting like I was paying attention. I looked around seeing there's a lot of people and little choices where to sit at maybe I should get here early or something. I went to the lunch line and got my lunch it looks so gross they probably found a random piece of meat and put some green sauce on it. I looked at my lunch in vile and try to find a place to sit. I see that guy with the black hair that I'm neighbors with and two other people that he's talking too. A goth looking girl and a guy with a red hat I also see a couple of seats next to them. I walked over to them and sat two seats away from the goth girl.

~Danny's P.O.V~ (Yeah I'm on a roll!!)

As I'm talking to Sam and Tuck about who will win in a fight a chicken or a roster I see the new girl walking over to our table. She is very tall she's even taller than me what the the heck!?! I see her sit down two seats down away from Sam aw no she looks lonely. Then Sam whispers/mouths something "She looks lonely go say hi" she mouths out and I nodded as I get up Dash grabs me by my collar and holds me in the air. "The teacher caught me cheating on algebra test!"he said as he raise his other fist and ready to punch me. I get ready for the impact of pain but then.

~Your P.O.V~

Everyone was turned around I wasn't paying attention or caring until Dash walked in and yelling at someone about his test or something then I finally turned around. Dash was about to punched my neighbor but then I stood up "HEY LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" then everyone looks at me even Dash and my neighbor. "Put him down Dash" Great what did I get myself into and mom said to have a great day. Dash drops my neighbor and walks to me looking down at me little bit. "And what are you going to do Cupcake" he said then he smacked my ass. OH HELL NO everyone in the lunch room gasp then ranged took over me and I kicked em in his nuts. Dash dropped dead holding his junk then I kicked him in the gut. "DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN!!" I said kicking him for the last time. Then I bend down and said to him "Christmas came early for you cuz you just got the preview of the nutcracker" I got up everyone was looking at me then they started clapping. I bowed down cuz I'm silly like that. And after that lunch was over everyone walked out and saying that I was awesome and other things.

~Time skip to the end of the day~

After I got my stuff together in my book bag I shut my locker and walk out the school building. As I'm walking out I see my neighbor catching up with me. "Hey thanks for saving me back there" he says "no problem I'm (Y/n)" I replied back "I'm Danny Danny Fenton" (XD almost put phantom) he says to me with a smile. I smiled back when we got outside to the school yard everyone surrounded me well almost everyone. Gezz am I'm a super popular now or something?? I said hi and stuff to people and walked back home. I saw Danny saying bye to his friends. I smiled at pulled out my phone and my ear buds then listened to bring me to life.

And done that was a lot of typing like 1000 words something like that anyways hope you like the chapter and see you in the next one TIGER OUT! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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