Her: Bonus Part-2 ( Reyan's P.O.V)

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Hola Amigos! 

As I mentioned, this is another bonus part from Reyan's point of view. I felt that this part is needed so that Reyan could explain why he was rude to Ariana when he first met her as his wedding planner.

This part covers the chapters 32 and 33 mostly and a bit of chapter 31. 

I am in love with Reyan (as you all can see) and I feel this is the best chapter to depict how much Reyan loved Ariana. 

Also, I changed the reason why Reyan's mom was not included in the wedding preparations, it was because she was with her sister in Amsterdam and not with Reyan's grandma and uncle.



Her: Bonus Part-2 (Reyan's P.O.V)

I am in a car but I'm not driving. There were two other people in front, I can't see their faces but it seems like they are talking to me. Suddenly there is a crash and I feel like everything is spinning. I can't see anything its all black, then suddenly a voice comes. A girl, she is calling someone.

"Rey!" She cries out.

"Rey!" She calls out again and it feels like something inside me wants to reply but I don't know how.

"Rey!" She cries again and I can't bear it anymore.

"Anna!" I whispered, as I woke up with a startle and sat up.

I took in my surroundings and realized that the white walls were of my room. I gave out a ragged breath and wiped the beads of sweat off my forehead.

I got off my bed and poured water for myself. The cool water calmed me and I sat back on my bed with my eyes closed in frustration.

"Nombre de Dios, what is happening to me?" I said, falling horizontally on the bed, on my back.

I've had this flashback, but it was getting stronger and more impactful day by day. This was the only flashback I had. It was of the accident after which I lost my memory and it frustrated me to no end.

They were just dreams, Ma always said. She won't tell me why I saw them, whenever I asked her about my life before the accident she would start crying and say that if she told me then she would lose me forever. I stopped asking after a while. I even told her a while back that the flashbacks stopped, to give her mind some peace.

Ma had been diagnosed with depression and trauma 13 years ago when she handed my father to the police. I remember she took some therapy but that's it. No memories after that day when Ma's therapist told me that I was the reason my dad was finally arrested, that I was the reason she took such a step.

I wondered what happened then, Mr. Raj Shergill, Ma's therapist was a good man and he seemed to like Ma a lot and I think she too liked him, but she won't tell me what happened to him.

Apart from Ma, Uncle Oly, Ma's elder brother to whom I was close to didn't tell me anything either. He taught me everything I know. He taught me about the business he left me when he died. Uncle Oly was Ma's half-brother but loved her and me immensely. He had no children of his own as he never married so he left his business to me.

De la Cruz resorts were solely mine and for the past two years, I have worked hard to make it better so wherever Uncle Oly was, he could be proud of me. Uncle Oly died of cancer three years ago, he was a great man and like a father to me.

I closed my eyes and thought about the flashback again and realized something. I took a name when I woke up.

"What was the name?" I wondered aloud, racking my brain for any clue but I couldn't remember a thing. "Ugghh!" I furiously rubbed my face and got up. It was 4 in the morning, 2 hours before I had to leave for Barcelona.

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