Chapter 29: The Weird Business

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Hi guys! It's Thursday and I have a special update for a special person. It's my cousin akshmathur 's 19th birthday and this update is especially for her. Dedicating this chapter to you sister dearest!!

Happy Birthday!!

And the picture above is of the wedding card.



Chapter 29: The Weird Business

The next day when I entered the office I found it in complete silence. This was new; normally it was always chaotic in the morning everyone chatting and gossiping and fooling around. Something was fishy; I decided to find out what. When I passed through Kai's desk I found him typing furiously, I look closely to see him typing a report I told him to do yesterday. I didn't disturb him and went towards my cabin; Noori too was concentrating on the computer, checking mails and replying to them. What are they up to? No one in this office is serious in the morning before I come, then what happened to them now?

I entered in my office to see a fuming Ruth sitting there on the couch and I understood why everyone became so serious suddenly.

"Good morning" I greeted her.

"Morning to you too Ariana" Ruth said with a frown.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I asked her, putting my bag in the cupboard after retrieving my laptop from it.

"I did, I told Kai yesterday in the evening before the shift ends but the careless boy forgot to tell you and do you know what these people do while you are not here? They make this place a flea market" Ruth fumed and I give her an amused smirk as I sat down next to her.

"I know what they do when I am not around. I don't see what's so wrong in that, yes its annoying and they hear an earful everyday but these are artists, you don't stop artists and it makes the work quite fun for them, they talk to each other, bond with each other and then work together as a team" I explain her. "And as for Kai..." I stopped talking, I stood up and I took my desk phone to dial Kai, asking him to come to my office. I sat on my desk while I waited for him.

Kai entered lowering his head and I felt pity for the young boy in front of me.

"Come in Kai, have a seat" I told him and he obeyed taking the seat in front of me without a question after seeing his mother was here.

"It's good you called him here, he should know why I call him a lousy imbecile" Ruth said looking at Kai with disgust and frustration.

"Yes it's good I called him here. He should also know what we talk about him. Let it be a parent teacher meeting today" I said calmly but sternly and I see Kai squirming in his chair. "So first of all Ruth, I think Kai is extremely talented. He not only handles all our plans but he makes the plans more relatable to the client" I told Ruth and both of them look at me with astonishment and confusion.

"Kai makes us more approachable to the client and make them feel at ease. Although he knows very less about Indian weddings, he tries his best to learn it. I like his attitude towards work" I told Ruth who just gaped at me.

"But...he's so careless. He didn't even convey my message" Ruth snapped at Kai who cringed at her words.

"Yes, he didn't tell me of your arrival, that was not because he forgot but because I was in between a very important call with an international client whose wedding we have to plan and then I left immediately after that" I told her. I knew Kai was looking at me but I was strictly keeping it to Ruth.

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