Chapter 10: The Savior

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Hiya everyone!! 

I know its not Friday but hey I am only a day late 

I've been so busy with the college stuff, it's all so hectic and it's just the start  ;(

Anyways here's the new chapter and because of my super creative fashion sense has kicked in I've finally decided that I will provide you with all the wardrobe of Ariana and maybe sometimes Reyan, Riya,Nikhil and others.

So Ariana's outfit for today is on the link

And the most important thing.... Enjoy the chapter 


Chapter 10: The Savior


I rubbed my eyes as I got up, still sleepy as my alarm blared. I set it up for 7:30 as Reyan told me. My eyes were paining and I was still drooping while sitting. I lazily got up and washed my face with cold water to remove sleep from my eyes and brushed my teeth. I looked myself in the mirror; I could see slight dark circles under my eyes. I decided not to conceal it as was barely visible. I got out of the bathroom and walked towards my walk in closet. I never really wanted a walk in closet but my mother and Riya never listened. They got it made for me even before I arrived to Bangalore so I couldn't stop them. As if I could.

I picked up my navy blue shift dress and my brown combat boots, the first two things I saw in my closet without even thinking they would match or not, I wonder who put them in the front. I shrugged and changed into them anyways without a second thought. I went to the kitchen to prepare a toast and some coffee for myself. I never liked coffee so much but I wanted it today to stay awake.

I was putting the bread into the toaster when Riya walked in her PJs smiling at me.

"Good morning" She said in a sing- song voice.

"Good morning to you too" I wished her back "So what's the reason of the good mood" I asked her.

"I am just excited for the auditions today, you taught me pretty well sister" She said cheerfully.

After coming home Riya insisted that I should help her with Sheena's character, and we sat in the hall while she recited her lines and I corrected her every time she made a mistake. We went to bed after 1 and I woke up because of that dream and the rest is history.

"You are making coffee for yourself?" Riya asked, pointing at the coffee jar in my hand.

"Yeah, long day, plus I never got much sleep" I said without thinking and mentally cringed at my stupidity.

If I told Riya about the late night call she would tease me to no ends.

"Really? Why?" She asked. Before I could answer she said "Aru, I think it's time you should listen to aunty and uncle and see a therapist"

"What makes you think that?" I questioned her.

"I came in your room when you were sleeping Aru half an hour later when we went to bed, you were crying in your sleep" She said standing up and putting one hand over my shoulder.

"It was just a dream Riya, why see a therapist for it?" I shrugged but she knew it better than anyone else.

"Ariana Mathur you know it's not just a dream" Riya shouted. Uh-oh, full name. "You are having these 'dreams' for the past two years now. Please listen to us for once." Riya said, quoting 'dreams' with her fingers. Her voice was almost pleading.

"Riya, listen to me" I put both my hands on her shoulders and made her sit down. "It's getting better, I maybe was crying but the dream was unusual, it was a good in a way" I told her.

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