Chapter 35: Deals to Deal with

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What?? 2 updates in a week!!! This author is getting amazing day by day (just kidding).

I was just too happy with the 2K so  decided to give you guys a treat! Well this chapter is not exactly my idea of treat as it has no food! But yeah.

Ariana and Esme's outfits of the day are in the link above. 



Chapter 35: Deals to Deal with

"This is very unprofessional of you Ms. Torres, you could have informed us before" I said angrily into the phone.

"I know Ms. Mathur but we committed it before and that client called Mr. Silva today to pre-pone their shoot from today evening to today morning. I tried to tell her, but she wasn't ready to hear a word. Can we make amends by visiting you at your choice of place in the evening instead?" She asked apologetically.

"No, I'm sorry we have other commitments in the evening Ms. Torres, I'll check both my client's schedule and let you know" I told Jackson Silva's secretary. She agreed and apologized again before hanging up.

I sighed and called Esme.

"Hello?" Esme said groggily. Was she still asleep? I shouldn't be surprised; it was still 7 in the morning.

"Good morning Esme, I have some bad news" I said without beating around the bush.

"What happened?" She asked, her sleepy voice now turning alert.

"The photographer called for a reschedule. Apparently his evening appointment had to be shifted to morning and the client was a demanding one and refused to listen" I told holding the bridge of my nose.

"It's alright Ariana, chill. Take some rest or go out, we'll meet up at 3:30 and leave for Theo's then. Don't worry about it. We'll take care of it when Aide comes back" Esme said cheerfully.

"If you say so. We have to check your planners and decide the date for the reschedule" I sighed.

"Alright, I am totally free all the time and Aide will be back later tonight so, I'll tell him to coordinate with you and plan the appointment, if you don't mind him visiting you a bit late" Esme proposed and my mind went on alert at her words.

"'s alright Esme, we can talk tomorrow, and there is no hurry in checking schedules. We can talk over breakfast" I tried to assure her.

"You are the boss, but I'll inform Aide anyways" She laughed and we hung up as I sat back on my bed.

"Finally, you are free!" Abhimanyu said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Just till 3:30. I'll call Kai and tell him that they have a full day off rather than half day" I said and went towards the room phone to inform Kai and the others.

As I told Kai and asked him to inform the others I heard a loud scream of excitement and I knew the whole first floor would have complained of noise within 10 minutes and I shook my head keeping the phone down.

"Now that you are free till 3:30, we could go out" Abhimanyu suggested.

"And where will we go? I don't even know the directions and neither do you" I said, rolling my eyes at him.

"We have a pair of legs, fully working for you and partially for me, a pair of eyes each not so working for you and totally working for me and not to forget a car and a driver. We can go out" Abhimanyu said with a smirk and I gave him a playful glare.

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