Chapter 31: The Journey

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Hah! I pranked you guys!! Well not really I just wanted to kill you with kindness (I'm hearing too much Selena Gomez these days)

I thought it would be pretty cool if I upload 31st chapter on 31st of December. 



Chapter 31 : The Journey

It was 6:30, next morning when the plane for Barcelona took off. The pilot met me personally after everyone checked in and informed me about the amenities in the plane. The plane was bigger than most private planes I have seen, one would be Abhimanyu's and the other being my dad's but those were nothing like this one.

The interiors were plush, black and grey in color. The plane was divided into 4 parts- a living room, a party room which had a bar, a luxury bathroom and a bedroom, which the pilot said I could use, but I refused, first it belonged to someone else and secondly I did not like the idea of looking superior than my employees even if they were working for me, we were a team and team members are equal, if I have the privilege to use the bedroom then they should too.

The living area had divan like black and grey sofas all over with a big LED plasma television and black Swarovski marble around the television and sofas. The wall was designed in a beautiful manner with faux glass. The party room/bar had the same sofas but with back rest and were dirty white in color with the same marbled bar which had almost every type of liquor anyone could want.

The bathroom was not any less spacious, better than mine at my apartment, it was furnished with black marble and glass, a big mirror was placed with a wash basin which had bamboo plants planted on its sides. There were flowers placed inside the bathroom with fresh towels. I did not see the bedroom as I didn't intend to use it, although Kai being Kai jumped on the soft bed and I had to enter the bedroom to get him out from there.

"Guys!" I called an hour after we had taken off. Everyone was sitting in the party room except Kai who was in the bathroom for the past 15 minutes, god knows doing what. Actually, he must be admiring himself for sure.

When I was sure I had everyone's attention I started to speak, "I want..." I was cut in the middle when Kai came running in.

"I'm here!" He said and took a seat next to me and I gave him a 'what the hell look' to which he just shrugged.

"So as I was saying, I want you all to decide your room partners right now, I don't want any chaos in the middle of the hotel. As we researched, De la Cruz Resorts are one of the most luxurious and prestigious chain of resorts and hotels all over Europe. Avoid chaos please, these people are the elites of Spain and I would like you all to please keep your gossips in control, especially you Kai" I said and Kai started to groan to which I shot him a glare and he shut his mouth.

"You can roam around, go wherever you want, but you have to report at the time of work. I don't care who you partner with in the room, just make sure there is no noise" I said and my team cheered happily.

We were 9 in total and I preferred to stay alone so the 8 of them paired in a pair of three, three and two. To say they were excited was an understatement; they were jumping around in the plane gossiping with each other on where they would shop or what places to visit. I walked out of the bar area towards the living room, I had 8 hours to kill so I took out my laptop and my reading glasses and sat on the farther most corner of the sofa and opened the file I made regarding the preparations of the wedding. I searched for the designer Esme told me about and found out that he was really popular amongst the people especially for his bridal wear. I had no time to research about this wedding earlier so I decided to do that now.

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