Chapter 9: The Late Night Call

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Hey guys!! I just saw the demographics thing on Wattpad I had no idea such thing existed. 

Well anyways I am so happy to see that this story is read by people around the globe.

I hope you guys like it.I won't know until you tell me so PLEASE VOTE and COMMENT !!!

Your opinion matters a lot as I am an amateur and all and this is an Indian story so I have my doubts about it. Please do tell me if you want me to stop or don't like something. 

Anyways back to the story...

Presenting chapter 9. Enjoy!!


Chapter 9: The Late Night Call

I am running, hard and fast. My feet are hurting but I don't stop. I have to run, I repeat to myself continuously. Something was following me; as I turn my head to see, I see that they are too many. Their eyes glowing in the darkness, I can't figure out what they are, but they are coming fast. I fall tripping on a stone on my face. I try to get up but it's all vain, as my foot is now bleeding badly. I try to crawl but there is a wall indicating a dead end behind me. Those figures start approaching me, they look like wolves but slowly they transform into humans. I can't see their faces properly but I know who they are. They are coming towards me, all the figures are combining and they form another shape. A monster, a big scary disgusting looking monster, I am terrified.

I try to get up, the blood stopped, the wall behind me disappeared. I try to run again, I stumble again but this time two strong arms hold me by my waist. The person whom the arms belonged to pull me up and I lift my head up; I can't see their face but I could see he was smiling.

He comes between me and the monster protectively, his back towards me. He runs towards the snarling monster, a shining sword in his hand. He jumps and stakes the monster in its heart; it winces with pain and slowly disappears.

The darkness is lifting as he comes towards me. I still can't see his face. "Who are you?" I ask him softy.

"The one who will slay all your monsters Ariana, you are not alone anymore" he smiles, his voice is familiar.

He is walking away, I shout standing there for him to stop and come back. I run towards him to catch him but he vanishes in thin air and all I could hear was "You will find me soon".

And for the first time the dawn breaks.


I sit up suddenly with a startle, sweating badly. My head is spins a little as I reach for my phone from the side table; it was just 2:45 in the morning. I groaned and lied down again, waiting for sleep to come but it was no use, I wasn't sleepy anymore.

After 15 more minutes of lying in the bed, sleep was nowhere near. I heard my phone beep and immediately picked it up to see an unread message from Reyan. Why was he awake at this time?

I opened the message

Reyan: I'll b pickin u in d morning, don't go on ur own.

Me: Ok fine. C u at 8 then?

I replied instantly without thinking.

I wondered what Reyan was doing at this time awake and I wanted to know it badly. Maybe he was talking to someone, but at 3 in the morning, why would he talk to someone, unless...unless it's his girlfriend. He never mentioned he had a girlfriend although I won't be surprised if he had one. He is smart, intelligent, caring and not to mention hot. If it was a week back I don't think I could complement a guy by his looks, I wonder what made me change. Is it Reyan? How could he influence me in such a short period?

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