Chapter 41 : Drunk in Love

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Hiya lovelies! I hope you guys had an amazing Valentine's unlike me who had to give exams and visit relatives. Perks of not having love life (note the sarcasm)

I have been pretty busy these days so I apologize for the late night updates before hand. 

I'll let you read the chapter now



Chapter 41: Drunk in Love

I was restless the whole time. How was I going to sleep when Adreyan was just across my room? What if he heard me screaming in sleep? What will he think of me? I am this fearless, bold and confident woman in front of him, what will he think if he saw me vulnerable?

I tossed and turned on my bed, which was so soft and I was so exhausted that my eyes drooped close but I forced them open, trying to stay awake. Adreyan could easily hear me, or...maybe the rooms were soundproof. Yes! He did tell me that the rooms were soundproof so maybe he won't hear me.

But I wasn't taking any chances; I picked up my phone from the side table and saw the time. It was 12 am, 6 hours to go. I tried to think of things I could do, I had no games on my phone or my laptop. Neither I had someone to talk to, nor I had any other source of entertainment except for watching cute animal videos but I thought against that as I had no earphones with me and the noise would be too much and reading would definitely make me sleepy now.

Maybe I slept while thinking because the next thing I knew, I was surrounded by darkness, a fear I couldn't overcome since childhood.

Hungry eyes looked at me, I wanted to run but I stood still, maybe they won't follow me if I am still. But suddenly something moved, there was a rush of wind and all the red eyes disappeared and I felt relief wash over me and started to walk to find my way out. Suddenly the eyes returned in front of me and one by one they merged together. The next thing I saw was a grotesque looking monster with those hundreds of hungry eyes, he snarled at me and I screamed and ran. I hit a huge wall suddenly and tried to find another way but it was so dark that I couldn't. The monster approached me, its paws long and sharp. Its pointed teeth were covered with red liquid and it snarled and jumped at me.

"Ariana!" Someone shouted jerking me and I woke up with a startle.

"Wha..." The words stopped in my throat when I saw a very worried looking Adreyan in front of me. I ran a hand through my hair and cursed myself internally for sleeping.

"Ariana, are you alright?" Adreyan asked as he switched on the night lamp and I realized that I must have left the door unlocked.

"Yeah, yeah I am. It was nothing, you can go back to sleep, sorry for disturbing you" I told him trying to smile but failed.

"Are you kidding me? I can't go back and sleep, while you are clearly not okay" He said and handed me a glass of water which I took without hesitation and drank it in a gulp. "The only thing that disturbed me were your cries of help. What happened?" He asked me and I sighed and kept aside the glass.

"Nightmare," I told him vaguely and as expected, he wasn't satisfied with the answer but I was reluctant to tell him anything about it. "Listen, just go and sleep. I'll be fine, it was just a nightmare" I told him and he frowned.

"They aren't 'just' nightmares Ariana, believe me, I know," He said seriously emphasizing 'just', making my eyes widen.

"You have nightmares too?" I asked him worriedly and he reluctantly nodded. "Regularly?" I asked him and he shook his head and I sighed in relief, looking away.

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