Chapter 47: My Version of Love

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So guys, this is the very last chapter of this story. It has been a great, great journey while writing this story. 

I am so grateful for your support with the votes and comments and I hope that you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

This story is really really special to me, it is the first full fledged story I've ever thought about and I would really like to thank everyone who supported me though the time I wrote it and posted it. 

I want to dedicate this chapter to my mom. No, she hasn't been the inspiration for either Ariana or Reyan's mom. 

Let me tell you a secret, my mom is going to read this too and I'm taking up the chance to tell her that I secretly wanted to listen to her views about each and every chapter of mine. It's a good boost in the confidence part for an amateur like me. 

Love you Mom.



Chapter 47: My Version of Love

It was 7 in the evening when I finally left my room. I had locked myself in the room after Kai's call, telling Pops that I was tired and was going to sleep. He just nodded, he knew I was lying but didn't stop me. I tucked Neal with Sammy and Trish as they slept. It had been 3 hours and all I did was lie on my bed and stare the ceiling.

After my brief breakdown in front of my grandfather, I felt as if my tears dried. I couldn't cry, I wasn't feeling anything, my mind stopped working. All I did was stare the plain white ceiling of my room. Maybe I did sleep, but I didn't remember if I even closed my eyes for a second.

After 3 hours of not doing anything, I decided to get myself a cup of hot chocolate and a book to read. Without a word I entered the kitchen and started making hot chocolate for myself, my hands were working automatically. As I took a sip, I realized that it wasn't hot chocolate that I had made for myself, it was the same kind of coffee Reyan liked. I looked at the containers and saw that instead of cocoa powder, it was coffee that I used.

I put my cup down on the slab and held my head. What was I doing? I was unconsciously making coffee for myself. I sighed and poured all the coffee down the drain. I wasn't going to drink that, although my dislike for coffee decreased, but I was no way drinking that coffee which reminded me of Reyan.

As I washed the cup, I heard commotion in the living room. I walked to the living room and saw that everyone was back, and by everyone I meant Abhimanyu and Aditi too. As soon as she saw me, Aditi rushed towards me and hugged me.

"Aru!" She squealed excitedly.

"Aditi! Finally" I laughed as she pulled away.

"I have been dying to see you! Where is Reyan?" She asked and immediately covered her mouth realizing what she said. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..." She started saying but I stopped her shaking my head.

"It's alright, he's fine I think, knowing the fact he's married, he must be very happy," I said without an expression.

Aditi's expression turned into a look of horror and so did everyone else's.

"What did you say?" Abhimanyu asked.

"He's married," I said with a shrug.

"That's not possible! You said he did the same things again..." Abhimanyu was saying but I stopped him.

"Abhi, he's married. I got a call from Kai, apparently the wedding took place on the day as fixed even after Reyan's accident and he's married" I told everybody.

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