Chapter 30: The Re-visit

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Hi so this is my last update... No i'm not ending the story. But this is the last update of the year.

Yes finally 2015 is going to end and I'm so happy!

I did nothing this year except for writing this story and being useless as usual but I learn a lot (Even from doing nothing)

Enjoy the chapter, it's short but important.


Chapter 30: The Re-Visit

The days went by in a rush and soon we were done with the trip shopping, the engagement and the wedding reception. It was 2nd of July and the next day I was scheduled to leave early in the morning for Spain as it would be a 9 and half hour flight and my clients wanted me there as soon as possible.

Holding a box in my hands, I made my way towards the door of his house and rang the bell. One of the staff members opened the door and let me in.

"Is he in his room?" I asked the man who opened the door for me, he shook his head and I understood where I could find him except for his room.

I made my way towards the place where I knew I would find him. I knocked the door but no one replied. I turned the knob and the door opened as if it was left open for me, maybe it was.

I peeped inside and saw him sitting in his usual place looking as depressed as ever and a pang of sadness hit me. I took in a deep breath and exhaled before entering the room, erasing the evidence of everything I felt a second ago. I placed the box on the table beside me near the couch and went near him.

I touched his shoulder but he was still, as if he never moved in years. I shifted my hand from his shoulder and turned to the person I was here for.

"Happy birthday Aditi" I whispered kissing her forehead and caressing it as I watched a sleeping Aditi without making any more sound.

"I told her to wake up and get ready so I could take her out to celebrate her 28th birthday, but she didn't listen. She likes to sleep a lot" Abhimanyu said with a rueful smile. "She's a stubborn girl, never listens to me" He said looking down and I knew he was hiding his tears.

"Abhi..." I tried to say but no words left my mouth. I had no words to console my friend. For four years now, I have been doing that but suddenly I was short of words. Instead of saying anything, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and Abhimanyu kept his head on my shoulder and started tearing up and I let him.

"I bought her so many things, dresses, chocolates and her favorite actor's movie's tickets but she won't get up Ariana, why doesn't she listen to me?"Abhimanyu cried on my shoulder.

I was kept on telling him that it would all be okay soon, but both of us knew that I was consoling nobody.
I wasn't surprised when no tears appeared in my eyes; I have trained myself for that. Not that I liked being unemotional, but because I didn't like to let go of my emotions and become selfish when my friend was in much more pain and needed me.

On both of their birthdays and anniversary for 4 years Abhimanyu sat beside his beloved, almost lifeless wife and celebrate it with her. I knew it was unhealthy but I was no one to say anything. According to everyone, I locked myself up on every 23rd June and not answer any calls or messages; I disappeared from everyone's life that day but no one knew about my guest and I never tried telling anyone.

Just like always, I would come to Abhimanyu's place with Aditi's favorite chocolate truffle cake and we would cut it together and celebrate the day with silent tears and prayers. Ever since the accident Abhimanyu never left Aditi alone, he made Bangalore his headquarters, rarely left the house. He went to his office only for important meetings otherwise would work from home.

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