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I woke up early in the morning. It was a Sunday, but old habits die hard. After doing the chores I end up sitting on the sofa, remembering each and every day I had spent with him. Everything he said while leaving came back to my mind, after all it was the dreaded date.

June 23

Tears fell over my face. The cup of hot chocolate in my hands was of no use today. Chocolates don't help me anymore, they just add to my misery. I thought I was getting strong but this date ruins everything.

The doorbell rang breaking my thoughts. I wiped my tears and went to answer the door.

I wasn't surprised to see my guest, it's like a ritual now that my guest comes to meet me on every 23rd June, but I never got to know the reason. The first time my guest arrived on my door it was unexpected; I never looked forward to meeting them the first two times. But I started eagerly waited for this day so I could re-live those moments again, to be with my Rey again, even if it was just in my memory.

I welcomed my guest and got some snacks and tea.

 "How are you?" My guest asked.

Ironically my guest already knew the answer to the question they had asked.

 "Fine" I replied.

Then we talked about what I was doing these days. I told my guest that I opened my own business of wedding planning last year and it hit off pretty well. The chats continued as I asked my guest about their well being. After an hour or so, knowing the updates about each other's lives, my guest asked me to recite the story again. I didn't like this part, the conversations could be so easy without the story but I agreed to it four years ago so I had to recite it now too.

This was the day everything ended; my dreams, my love, everything. The story is of the blissful feeling of love and the bitter pain of separation. Four years have passed but it seems like it happened yesterday. I remember it so clearly. I started the story and my eyes filled up with tears again... 


Hello to you. Thank you so much for clicking on this story and giving it a read. I can't tell how happy I am when you scroll through this story.
And if you can please make me happier by telling me my mistakes so I can correct them or telling me if you like a part.
Really your input is always welcomed.
Thank you!
Have an amazing day!!

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