Hurtful love :/

Depuis le début

On our way back to her house, I slowed down my bike, giving pressure to the wrists which were gripping the handlebars . My bike jolted a little and came to halt.

It was the same place !!, the same road where we had out our first meeting. This doesn't happen in everyone's life , we meet so many strangers in our life , only few come into your own life and take their own places.

Yes I have fallen for the girl I met as a stranger once. I am madly in love with the one whom I met just accidentally.

It was a heavenly moment in my life, I proposed her in the middle of the road where we had our first meet, I just proposed her without any second thoughts. I gave her the last surprise gift for the day and asked her to be mine , I thought she would accept to be my love ,my life , my everything forever.

But that did not happen.

She left..

She left without uttering a single word.

I stood like a dumbo in the middle of the road with the gift still in my hand.

She walked away from the place taking faster steps, leaving me alone there.

Why did she leave?

Does that mean she doesn't love me??

Am I the one who mistook everything as love??

Why did I urge to confess my feelings for her??

May be it was'nt the right time I proposed her. I should have thought twice before taking this decision. I felt senseless. My heart beats were racing heavily taking zig zag turns.

From the moment she left ,I was standing like a statue on the road. I couldn't proceed myself with what's happening around . My heart and soul where agonising in pain, I stood there cold and numb.

I felt like I have done the biggest blunder in my life. I even wished why can't this be a worst nightmare ?.But the fact that it wasnt a dream was haunting me like hell. What will she think of me for God's sake ?we can't even be friends anymore.

But still why am I not able to accept the fact that she doesn't loves me back??
It hurts .It hurts a lot ,Why did you come into my life Neha ? I wanted to open up and shout out with a loud cry.

A loud sound of a vehicle's horn brought me back from the sickening truth . A gentleman in his forties started yelling me,
"Mister are you mad or something??, If you wanna die go bump somewhere else , not in front of my car."

"I would have felt happier if that had happened. Anyways I am not in a mood to fight with you"I murmered to myself , gave him a annoying look , ignited my bike's engine and rode off .

I straight away let my bike towards the superbiking school. Nobody was there at this hour. I was simply driving back and forth like a crazy mad man. I wasn't sure how long I was riding like that. Vigorously I rode for hours , suddenly my bike crashed low side and I was thrown away from the bike.

I laid there on the path as such , I knew I was hurt and the left side of my head and arms were bleeding. It stung , but that pain was not much compared to the pain in my heart.

Neha don't you love me back?

Do you think I don't deserve your love?

I didn't know when I passed out.
Somebody splashed water over face , I swayed my eyes a little bit, Nikki was patting me hard .

"Arjun what happened ? Why are you in this state?? You have lost so much blood."Nikki was yelling panic striken. I had lost all my senses and not even a small breathe of air was ready to come from my mouth.

He carried me in his arms and took me right away to the hospital.
After treating my bruises ,the doctor informed that it was just a minor injury and asked me to rest for a while.

Nikkil plopped his questions one by one. And I had no other go rather to explain the whole thing that happened yesterday , from the midnight birthday wish to the last night's love confession .

He was screaming like a idiot ," You cheater !!! I guessed it that day itself when you came with her to the racing academy. "

He crashed me into a tight warm hug, "Arjun I am happy ,happy that you're in love ."

"She had rejected me and ruined the whole proposal. And now what's the point in feeling happy for me you dumbo "I grieved.

"Its not that easy to win a girls heart you stupid. It will take time. This is just the first little step , lots more to come baby " he smirked.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"I mean you have reciprocated your feelings for her , now she'll think about it. You know when I proposed Aarthi for the first time what I got was a hard slap in my left cheek. But see now how lovey dovey we are .So don't give up for this silly thing. She might have some problems in accepting your love. Go speak to her tomorrow . Everything is gonna be alright soon" he lectured like a love guru.

"I dont think its a good idea .Do you think it will work ?" I asked him doubtfully.

"You're meeting her tomorrow and that's final. Now take this medicines and rest buddy. "he gave me the tablets .I gulped it and dozed off.

Okay !!! let me give one last try ,atleast I should get a reply from her. Either an Yes or a no. Let me see if there are any chances still left .

So how was the chapter guys??

Are you happy that Abhay found his love??

Will Neha listen to Arjun??

Stay tuned till the next update.

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