"I think you know your answer, Lex." She simply said, getting up to wash our cups.


"This is so fucking awesome. We're meeting Black Veil Brides!" Alex gushed as we walked towards the long line that wrapped around the stadium.

I sighed and resisted the urge to slap her in the face. Ever since I had announced that I was going to the concert, Alex would not stop talking about the band. She was adamant that Andy Biersack was going to leave his wife of two years, Morgan Hunter, for her. As if. I've met Morgan Hunter and she's beautiful, I thought grumpily. He most definitely isn't going to be leaving her.

"I know. So excited." I said dryly.

Alex shot me an annoyed look, "At least try to act like you want to be here."

"I do! Really! See?" I gestured towards the Andy Biersack t-shirt Alex had forced me into.

"Whatever. Look, they're letting people in!"

It took half an hour before we got in, and by then everyone was crowded near the front of the stage. Alex was pretty depressed about it, but when she found out that you had a better view from the bar section, her mood was lifted. We took our seats at the end of the bar (me ordering a Bloody Mary) and just as I got my drink, the lights dimmed and screams filtered through the room.

It was like Warped tour. A man's deep voice began to speak and there was an air of anxiousness fluttering about the room. Even I was excited although there was a bundle of nerves playing hockey in my stomach. The crowd watched as CC, Jinxx, Jake, and Ashley took their spots on the stage.

The moment the barbaric rockstar stepped into my line of vision, it was like my heart went into overdrive. To hear him talk had been amazing, but to see him in person? I was breathless. He was wearing ripped skinny jeans and just a black vest, his brown eyes scanning over the crowd. Was he searching for me? But before Ashley could further his search for whatever, Andy came running onto stage and began to sing.

It was during one song I've heard multiple times, 'Fallen Angels' I think. Alex was standing on her feet, jumping and screaming the lyrics. Andy was standing in the middle of the stage, singing loudly and doing some weird crap with his tongue. Glancing at Alex, she looked like she was about faint. When I looked back, my green eyes connected with brown. He was staring right at me, his fingers playing off of memory as we stared at each other.

And I suddenly wasn't nervous about speaking to Ashley again.


Andy was the first to leave the stage and then Ashley, Jinxx, Jake, and then CC. The crowd was booing in disappointment and slowly began to filter out. I stayed rooted at my spot, mainly because I was hoping Ashley would come to find me, and also because I hadn't finished my drink.

"That was fucking awesome! Did you see Andy? I swear he stared right at me!" Alex was fangirling, waving furiously at her flushed face.

She hadn't even been in the crowd and it looked like she'd been in a swarm of bodies. She was sweating horribly while I sat calmly, perfectly cooled. Although the music, I'll admit, had been good, I hadn't been jumping and screaming my lungs out like my companion. I had no doubt in my mind that she wasn't going to be able to talk tomorrow.

"I'm sure he did, Alex." I agreed.

"Lexi! You came!"

I turned in my seat to see two familiar faces. Morgan Hunter and Samm Ferguson stood behind me, both smiling brightly. Samm was rubbing her stomach comfortingly as her eyes drifted from me to Alex, who was gaping at the two infamous women. Morgan didn't seem to notice and skipped towards me, bringing me into a tight hug.

"Thank God you called Ashley! I thought he wasn't going to last another day." She exclaimed.

I eyed her suspiciously, "See, that's funny. Ashley told me that he wasn't at all-"

Samm waved me off, "He's a guy, he's bound to lie."

I had a feeling that it wasn't Ashley who was lying.

"Hey, I'm Morgan," The blonde introduced herself to my staring friend. Alex was numb as she shook the outstretched hand. "And that's Samm. Are you a fan of BVB?"

"Y-Yeah." Alex stuttered.

"Sweet! You can come backstage and meet them, if you want that is," Morgan suggested, gesturing behind her. "They're all sweaty though."

"Yes! I mean, yeah, sure, that's fine." Alex quickly redeemed herself after shouting out yes. The other girls laughed good naturally before leading Alex and me towards the back.

I clutched my cup nervously as we followed the chattering girls back stage. Samm needed help getting up the stairs ("I can't wait for this kid to get out of me.") and Alex was too star struck to say anything. She hadn't even asked me about how I knew Morgan and Samm, but I knew her too well to know that she was going to drop the subject.

"Hey babe, there you are!" The tall Andy Biersack appeared, a bright smile lighting up his face when he saw his wife. I stared as the two embraced and shared a loving kiss. "I was wondering where you ran off too."

"Oh, just to get Lexi." Morgan explained, looking over at me.

Andy smiled when he saw me, "It's nice to see you again, Lexi."

"You too." I said, returning his smile.

I still couldn't get over how Morgan and Andy were together. I remember years ago when they had gotten married; Alex had been crying for days because her man was being taken. I had been more hung up over the fact that she looked like the preppy cheerleader at school and Andy was more like the outcast. Who would've thought; the cheerleader and the outcast. I mused.

"Ashley is in the back if you want to go see him." Andy added cheekily.

"Lexi . . ." Alex whispered shyly, tugging at my shirt. 

Then the rockstar in Andy appeared, "Hey, you a fan? Come here, let's take a couple of pics! Babe, take this." He practically tackled Alex as he shoved her phone towards Morgan, who rolled her eyes at his silly antics.

Alex seemed like she was in heaven and during that time, Samm had taken the opertunity to grab my hand and lead me down the hall. I nervously played with the plastic up, beginning to doubt myself. Samm didn't seem to notice and instead, practically shoved me into a room.

With a naked Ashley.

The Mix Up (Ashley Purdy Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora