She produced a wood clone so it would be her sparring partner.
Her clone teleported, Rei swung out her sword swinging it as it clashed with the clone's sword, who appeared above her. They both kept swinging at each other, going at it evenly for 5 minutes. Rei knew fighting herself was going nowhere, of course her own self would know what moves she would make. Rei flew back as she thanked her clone and released it.

Rei laid back on the ground, closing her eyes. There's no point of training without thinking about a game plan on how to defeat Pein.

She had to figure out how to defeat all of the pein robots and the real pein. She knew the leader could move things, one could summon weird creatures, another one could produce weapons from it's body and was mutated, but the other ones were a mystery to her. She needed to find a weakness in all of them. Maybe if she could figure out who the real one was, she could take the real one out.

"But who could be controlling those other ones?" She asked out loud, frustrated. The old toad said her father recognized one of them as his old students but the eyes were of another of his students. Could the real one be one of his old students?
Rei shook her head, impossible. Her father was probably the best sensei anyone could ever have, his students wouldn't kill him. Rei sat up, sighing.

It doesn't matter who killed him, she was going to destroy them anyway. She bite her thumb, drawing blood, and summoned Serenia. One of three powerful fairies from the land of mythical creature.

"What do you need boss?" Serenia asked her.
"Sorry for bothering you Serenia but I was wondering if you could create a ninja bot that can pull, move objects, produced chakra infused poles, and that is skilled in taijutsu. I want you to make the ninja bot as powerful as you can." She asked hopefully. She wasn't going to push her luck by asking the fairy to give it rinnegan eyes.

She watched as Serenia flew around, thinking about it.
Serenia sighed and said, "I can do all of that but I can not create the chakra infused poles. Not because I can't but because I do not want my boss getting hurt."
Rei smiled gratefully at the fairy but she needed to fight it with the chakra infused poles. "Please Serenia, I'm going to go up against the real thing soon and I want to be prepared." She begged the fairy.

Serenia studied her boss and finally agreed. "Fine." She said. Serenia flew a few feet away from Rei, and landed on the ground. She tapped her wand on the ground, creating a seal. She sat in the middle of the seal and told Rei to place her hand in the seal.
Rei did as she was told, watching carefully. The seal started glowing blue and behind them a man with long brown hair appeared. He had Serenia's mark on his forehead so Rei knew this was the ninja bot Serenia created.

"He's as powerful as I could make him. I can see that you're serious about this so I made him relentless. He will only stop and disappear when you say you give up or if you're dead. Please be careful boss." Serenia told her as she poofed away.

Rei was never going to give up. She'll keep fighting this bot till she destroyed it. She ran at the bot, swinging out her sword. The bot swiftly ducked and brought his arm, moving a tree stumped and threw it at her. Rei sliced threw it. "Wind style wind force jutsu!" She pushed the tree stump pieces at the bot and disappeared, reappearing on the side of him as she swung her sword at him again. The bot produced a chakra infused pole and their weapons clashed together. The bot raised his other hand, pushing Rei back without touching her. She teleported away in mid air as she saw a pole rushing at her.
Rei teleported in front of him as she swung her sword at the bot, "lightning style airlectric jutsu!" Her sword created a powerful wind force filled with electric currents at the Bot. Rei sensed something behind her but it was too late, she went flying into a tree. Serenia gave the bot the ability to produce shadow clones. That tricky Fairy. Rei rolled over to the right when she sensed another chakra pole being thrown at her. She felt herself being pulled off the ground and thrown across the field, she quickly teleported away, flying onto the ground. She got up, blowing out a huge breath.
"I won't complain because I asked for this." Rei said as she she produced a shadow clone, her clone ran up to the bot throwing shurikens at it. Rei teleported away and appeared behind the bot again, she threw out her fist, infusing chakra into it and punched the bot.
Rei watched as the bot went flying. She jumped up happily. "Whew! I finally got a hit in." She said.
The bot stopped himself from getting hitting the trees ahead of him as he brought his hand again, pulling Rei to him. Rei dug her sword into the ground, trying to stop herself from being pulled into him. It slowed the pull down but she was still being pulled.

"Fire style flame bullet!" She shot out flame bullets from her mouth towards the bot. The bot let go of his pull on her. Rei didn't have to react as a chakra infused pole flew passed the flames and hit her in her arm. She yelled in pain but dodged the other poles that was being thrown at her. She couldn't use her hand to weave hand signs now. Though she didn't need to anyway. Her chakra was also being drained slowly. She grabbed her sword, wincing in pain. The sword couldn't heal her as long as the pole was in her.
"Fusajin no Jutsu!" She produced a small sandstorm around the bot, hoping Serenia didn't give the bot super senses. Rei teleported to the bot, swinging her sword at it. She cut off the bot's left hand. She swung her sword again, this time it clashed with a chakra infused pole. She jumped back as the sandstorm disappeared. It didn't last long because her chakra was draining. Having to summon Serenia takes a great amount of chakra.
Rei watched as the bot weaved a hand sign with his hand that was still there. Rei felt the ground, rumbling under her as poles came from underneath the ground. She felt herself being lifted up again, her sword dropping out her hand. She couldn't do anything as she felt another chakra infused pole hitting her in her side. Rei felt herself being thrown down, then grabbed by someone before she could hit the poles.

She struggled as she reached out and grabbed the pole on her arm. She gritted her teeth at the pain as she pulled it out her arm. She pulled the other pole out her arm.
She went to grab her sword, ignoring the pain.
"Thank you for saving me Sasuke." She said as she grabbed her sword, immediately being healed. "I have to defeat this bot on my own, do not interfere. Please." She added.

She pointed her sword at the sky. "Lightning style coil of lightning jutsu!" She felt her body and sword become electricity currents as she ran at the bot in full speed, swinging her sword at it. The bot wasn't fast enough to Dodge as it whole arm with the missing hand was sliced off. The bot produced a shadow clone that was sent to attack Rei from behind. Rei fought both of them, as she dodged their attacks. She was keeping up with them until she saw the look on Sasuke's face, next thing she felt was the ground. She closed her eyes in pain as she felt a chakra infused pole being thrown into her stomach then her hands. She couldn't move, and she couldn't use any jutsus. She knew if she didn't say she give up then she would die but if she said she gave up then that would be like saying she gave up against pein. Yet all she could think about was the pity, sympathetic look on Sasuke's face directed at her.

Rei opened her eyes. She couldn't afford to die here. Her death wouldn't be meaningless. She felt tears fall out her eyes, she wanted to move but she couldn't.

She then saw Shikamaru standing in front of her. Sasuke must have told him.

Shikamaru kneeled beside her with an angry expression on his face. He silently pulled the poles out of her. He stood up when he was done. She picked up her sword, being healed once again.
Shikamaru glanced at the bot, then back at her.
"You're holding back. You can defeat this thing easily, but you're holding back. If you plan on dying at least do it with dignity, honor your father especially if you're going to wear that." He said in a low voice. He pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling deeply. He stared at her once more, shaking his head and walked away. He wasn't going to stick around to watch her do this to herself.

Rei swallowed hard. His words hitting her hard. She summoned Serenia, telling her to release the bot.
"Thanks for watching over me Sasuke." She said as she walked towards him. She paused in front of him. She was going to ask him a question but couldn't get her thoughts together. She looked up at him when she felt his hand on her shoulder.

"I stop the hatred inside me because of your kindness and among many other things. You help bring me out the darkness I was consumed in. I don't want to see you become like how I was." He said to her then he smiled at her softly. "I won't let you, and I'm sure your other friends won't either." He patted her shoulder and walked away.

Rei wiped away her tears as she stood there. He was right. The way she acted back there was scary. All she was thinking about was her hatred for Pein and defeating him. She didn't think of anyone else.

She heard her name being called. She turned around to see Sasuke standing a few feet away away from her.
"I have cookies at home that I'm willing to share. If you're willing to come over and get some." He shouted over at her.
Rei couldn't have been more grateful to have friends as she nodded her head, running to catch up with him and said, "As long as you're not trying to poison me."

He reached down and ruffled her hair. "Now why would I try to poison my comrade." He said as they started walking.

Rei smiled a genuine smile for the first time since hearing about her father's death.

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