Fuckin wit the enemy

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Shanelle and rayray imagine


I was walking down the aisles with a cart full of folded clothing and show boxes putting them on shelves

I worked at a huge footlocker outlet in L.A.

It was the best job cuz I got the clothes and shoes for cheap

But I also had an annoying co-worker named RAYRAY

We soo fuckin stupid always rubbin it in my face that he was workin here before me and he's manager and everything and I hate him every conversation we have an argument

And here he comes now


Wtf does he have to be so sexy thoee

Okay fine I like him ive like him since I got here he's the one who gave me the interview and I was like GOTDAMN I HOPE IM WPRKIN WIT HIM

I still hate him Thoe

Ray: aye nutty nelly here's some more things to put away

He rolled a cart to me

Ray: have fun

He smiled and walke away

Me: bitch

Ray: what was that?

Me: nothin

Ray: nothing what?

Me: nothing mr.smith sir

I sed sarcastically

We walked to me and got in my face

Ray: look Shanelle I gave you this job and I can take it away so do your job aight

Me: that's no way to talk to ur co-worker rayan

I had it now

Ray: you know whut u always got a smart mouth

Me: look customers are looking now


Now ppl were really looking

Me: you know what I'm done I QUIT BITCH!! Ur so unprofessional I can't work for someone like that once thi store closes I'm out an ur not seeing me again other then time I come in here to buy my own shit

I walk off leavin him pissed off!!


I got the keys and locked the gate closed as the last customer walked out wit his bags

I then went to my locker as cleaned it out as I came out and looked at the store for the last time.....

Me: I guess this is goodbye 4 years down the drain because of some-GCO

Ray: inconsiderate jerk, stupid ass nigga who has Nuthin better to do with his life than mess with a beautiful girl like you.......

I turned around and there stood rayan the inconsiderate jerk, stupid ass nigga who has Nuthin better to do with his life

But that ending thru me off
He thinks I'm beautiful
Maybe he feels for me like I well maybe did him

Me: oh it's just you

I grabbe. The rest of my stuff and was about to walk out when I felt someone grab my arm

Ray: please......Don't go nelly please don't go

I looked at him like wtf?

Me: and y not u hate me we shouldn't work together

Please say it's because I like you and I want to get to kno you

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