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zyomis clothing in the media her face will be posted in next part


i was in the hall way when someone screamed.

"OMG CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" a girl ran toward the office where i was just coming from with my best friend Artist. "woah G what happened."  she asked another girl running by with her thick new york accent. "Ms.Burns' water just broke in the middle of class." my eyes widened. "AUNTIE IM COMING." i ran into the class to see my aunt on the floor with the scchool nurse next to her.

"just breath okay the baby isnt coming just yet you look to only be 2cm dialated its gonna be fine for right now okay??" the nurse said calming my aunt down. "oh sweetie come here please." she said motioning for me to go to her. "hey titi how you hanging??" i asked "i guess im hanging in there real tight but i might have to let go idk if i can make it zy." she said with worried eyes.

See my aunt has this type of daibetes that doesnt allow her to get pregnant. i mean she can conceive a baby but she can die during or after the birth of the baby.

"auntie trust me your going to make it through everything okay the birth after birth and life itself we got this okay." i said smiling. she smiled back. "okay sweetie well my gurne is here so ill see you at the hospital with my bundle of joy next to me hopefuly." she says. "no you will see me with him next to you auntie okay." i said. "what ever you say." she laughed. they boosted her up and rushed her out side to the ambulance.


"fucking great we still have to go to that class today." artist said. i laughed as we kept walking to first period.

once this class was  over i wanted to take my time getting to this class cause it was a sub so they shouldnt care. ig artist made it to class though already cause she didnt bother meeting me after wards she dipped.

once i got to the class the door was closed and locked, subs....my aunt never closed or locked her doors even during tardee lock outs.

i knocked on the door. and artist came running. "girl this man is fine asf but hurry hes strict." she sadi smiling wide. once i walked in i saw a man with a head full of small curls with a hint of blonde at the top. he had on khaki skinny jeans with black jordan 11s and a black button up shirt topping it off with a black bow tie. oh and dont forget the nerd glass.

"ms. burns your late. take a seat please." he said looking at me over his glasses and going back to work. i sat in my usual seat next to ariel. "ms.burns what are you doing?" he askedd me. "um taking a seat." i asked more in a question then a statement making people laugh even myself. "when i said take a seat i meant next to me, your late you dont have a choice of seat. that goes for all of you. you dont choose to be on time you dont choose a seat now lets go chop chop i havent got all day." he say pullin out the chair of the desk right next to my aunts.

i grabbed my stuff and walked to the desk sitting down. "get up." he said. "what now dude i just did hella stuff you asked me like cmon i just want to do my work." i said frustrated. "well do your work in the deans office. your in dress code im sorry but i have to send you to the deans now." he said demandingly. "um no thanks im good they didnt say anything so you shouldnt either mister so please dont try and tell me what dresscode is ive benn going to this school for 4 years quit playin man.." i said making everyone laugh. "outside....NOW!!" he screamed. everyone got quiet but i still laughed. he got up and walked to the door telling me to follow.

once we got outside the halls were quiet. i heard the classroom door close indicating that he was outside now. he came infront of me...a little to close actually. "can you back up" i said moving back only to bump into a locker. "listen here and you listen good. i am not your aunt i will disccipline you in many  was more than one, and sending you to the deans is now hte last thing i do to punish you little girl. next time you get out of line...." he walkedd closer to whisper in my ear. "its me and that ass." he looked down. "now you dont want that to happen do you because im sure roc wouldnt mind punishing that ass a little bit behind closed doors." he said putting his hands on the locker ext to my head. " who the fuck is roc.?" i asked. "you will soon find out if you keep using that nasty mouth of yours talking to me. do i make myself clear?" he said looking in my eyes. "crystal." i said smirking. "good." she was about to walk away whe he turned around. "oh yeah here." he gave me the deans slip. "and how old are you?" he asked. "18 why?" i said. he smiled. "cause im 20 and you're legal." he licked his lips an walked in the class. i looked in shoc.

this nigga is tryin to get at me.

i was walking to the dean when i noticed something.


call me if you need some tutoring sometime i have my own place you can study at.'

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