Lost and Found

141 2 0

Got bored



Soon I heard his feet running down the stairs.


"RYAN!! " he screamed running out Side me hot on his tail.

I scooped him up and carried his laughing behind to my best friends car.

"Yo yo yo what up zand!! " she said dapping him.

"Hey Ryan! Ready for laser tag?"

"Sure am!" She said laughing.

I got in the car and she drove off.

"So you tell him about his mom yet? " she asked.

I shook my head no.

His mom died and is buried in a cemetery near by.

I adopted zander once MB broke up.

He was 4 months when I first got him.
I was 20 and had the help of my 18 year old #1 girl Ryan.

She was a huge fan of mb and she went to every concert. Literally, out of country and state. She's rich so she could do that. She was the girl that stood out with the different colored hair every concert. The only one with original Nirvana and misfit clothing on that you can only get on an exclusive website only REAL MISFIT AND NIRVANA ENTHUSIASTS would know about. She was that girl I brought up during missing you in EVERY show. In the USA or EUROPE it doesn't matter she was there.

I'm now 26 and she's 24 .

"He took it well when you told him he was adopted so he could possibly take this well."

"We will see."

She parked the car and we got out and went in.

"Hey Ry wassup." Annie the worker said.

Ryan and zander are regulars.

"Hey and look who I brought along."

"Hi miss Annie.." zander said blushing.

"Hey cutie how was your day? "

Zanders eyes widened as he his behind me.

We all laughed.

"He's had a good day so far."

"OMG aren't you Princeton? Wow I haven't seen you since that AATW tour when I was on stage with roc. "

"Wait....I know you yeah you're that girl roc loved so-oops... "

"Wait...LOVED? THIS NIGGA SAID A LITTLE CRUSH! Oh let me call him right him now. DANNIE I'M GOING ON BREAK!! Hello? Oh you in for it today chresanto....WHAT- "

Annie walked out the door.

We laughed as we put our wristbands on and entered the facility.

"Hey ryan , zander you're back with a famous person." A guy said walking up to us.

"Alim (aye-lum) this is Princeton zanders father , prince this is my friend alim he works here and makes our laser tag trips worth every penny." She said punching his shoulder.

"Wait you said father? I thought roc was the youngest with a kid but ig not."

"Oh no I adopted him when I left the group I'm 26 and I had him since he was 4 months."

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