Love you like a record deal baby

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One day u text ur bestfriend roc about sumthin really important to u
U jus got a record deal in Cali from interscope records but y'all lived in Chicago


How am I suppose to tell him I'm leaving in a week from Monday which is tomorrow!!??!!??!!??!!??!!

I knew roc since 3rd grade when he was the new student from Cali


I was sitting at my desk with my friends Olivia and syaira *they are twins from london* working on our mutiplication chart

Me: wut is 4x4?

Olivia: I think.....8!!!

Syaira: no that one is......yea it's 8

Me: no both are wrong it's 16 stupid heads

Olivia: multication is hard

Syaira: it's multiplication and Nuh uh!! It's easy

Olivia: ok then wuts 10x50?!


Me: can u guys both be quiet!!

They b quiet

Me: and it's 500!! HA HA HA I learned multiplication from my mom last year

Olivia: well ur mom is a 5th grade teacher here I'm sure she did!

We all laughed

Teacher: kids I'd like you to meet our new student chesanto August say hi class

I looked up and saw a boy with light skin and a Shiny pony tail on his head and blue and black on

Teacher; go sit a a table of ur choice but it has to be less then 4 ppl at the table only 4 at a time ok

Chres: ok miss

Teacher: oh it's miss-gco

Chres: I jus sed that

And he walked off he was wondering for a while looking for a table less then 4 ppl at it I only had 3 at mine so I helped him out

Me: hey over here new kid

He looked at huffed and walked over and sat down next to me

Me: hi I'm- GCO

Chres: IDC who u r ok jus tell me wut I don't wanna do so I can get out if here plz

Olivia and syaira looke scared they were sensitive ppl an him sayin that made them look stupid

Chres: wut y'all lookin like that for

They shook their heads and walked to another table

Me: look chesanto either u do the work we do or transfer to another class or better yet......transfer SCHOOLS!!

He looked at me crazy then smiled

Chres: I like u u wanna b my bestfriend forever

He put out his pinky

Me: eh wut the heck

I wrapped mine around his

Chres: from now on call me roc cuz my abs r hard as rocks!!

He lifted his shirt showing his flat abless stomach and we laughed

Me:ok roc

We were best buds ever since


He is the BEST friend in the world who culd never b replaced even if I'm on the other side of the country

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