He's a RO!!

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im hanging with my friends when I see this girl....she looks so...so....Gorgeous!!

"hey babe, I brought you an ice cream cone from the truck." my boyfriend Jordan said bringing his golden retriever Diamond along.

hes had her since he was a baby literally. she old but strong no where near dying the way they take care of her.

"thanks babe." I said giving him a kiss and getting a few licks from diamond. I pet her head and she lays in my lap... I love this dog so much...just cause its a girl....weird I know....but its a long reason why I say that. and if you wanna know why well here it is.

I really hate this alternate universe we live in. where we live its normal for you to gay. but if you were straight, heterosexual....you were the lowest of the low, you weren't even worthy enough to be the dirt at the bottom of someones shoes......and that's exactly how I feel because im in love with a girl named zion stephens. she is the most beautiful girl in the universe. I love her to death. and I know she feels the same.

hetero marriage isn't legal in the west coast....so Arizona, nevada, Utah, cali....its a no no.

that's why when I turn 18.......in 5 more days.....im moving to Chicago.... where its legal.....yes im a Ro and theres nothing anyone can do about it.


"yes?" I asked snapping out of my gaze.

"did you hear me?" he asked frowning.

"umm no I didn't im sorry I was just-"

"staring at that bitch....I told you stop doing that. its nasty....don't be such a RO!!" he screamed in my face slapping me.

I heald my face and cried.

"get up and go home im sick of you right now..." he said walking away.

I cried even more....why cant I just love who I want to.

as I was walking I saw her....

"hey!!" she yelled running to me...

did I forget to say she has been my bestfriend since birth.....ha ha....so yeah....

"hey girl whats up?"

"i was wondering what you wanted to do for your 18th!! HA!! I cant wait....we will be 18 in 5 and 8 days!!" she says jumping up and down.

her birthday is 3 days after mine lol ironic huh?

"well.....you know how Ro marriage is legal in west coast right?" I asked shyly..

"yeaaaaaah......why Jay?" she asked confused.

"well.." I went in my pocket and pulled out a ring... a promise ring.... i got down on one knee and heald her hand.

her eyes got big.....

"Zion Maria Stephens....Please make me the luckiest RO in the world and be my girl...and promise to me that once we turn 18 and MOVE to Chicago we will get married in the same place my mother and father did."

i was popular in the coast cause they called me a rebal....im from Chicago...so moving here where Ro is basically illegal made it seem like i didn't give a fuck about my family name.....my grandparents were raised here......my parents were to but they were ROS so they did what i did and moved to Chicago. well what i want to do.     

im basically supposed to be picking up where we left off before my mom fucked up everything as peope say. but im not i like being hetero i really do.

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