Cant Stop Dancin

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This is my first Jordan Fisher image so hope you guys like it!!


Hey I'm symbolic but call me sym . My name came from my grandma who is navajo Indian. I love her to death I love the name it's so unique!!

Anyways I'm going on my first shoot for this new show called can't stop dancin. It's a show about two teens who are bestfriends, boy and girl. They were selected to be apart of a new performing arts school in Chicago. It's a spinoff of shake it up. But it's back ground dancer that you never heard of that got to shine. I was one of those extras that got that chance. Well me and this other kid Jordan something got chosen to be the main characters. I wonder who he is. He's suppose to be famous but who knows I doubt it.

"Hey Girl! You made it!! " screamed a familiar female voice.

"Hey Zen. How could I miss this opportunity?! It's amazing I'm on the SPINOFF of shake it up.... it's like girl meets world almost dude." I said laughing.

Yeah I was cool with zendaya she was amazing and really nice after kc undercover came on we just somewhat drifted but this will get us on track.

"Okay so you will be playing a girl named Taylor Jackson who is from a poor slash rich family. Daddy left for another woman got rich and is trying to win you back with money but you no go for it. So you got your character you in for it? " zendaya explained.

"I think I got th-WHO IS THAT!?" I said getting distracted by a caramel hunk with a curly bush on his head.

"Oh you'll see." Zen said walking away smiling.

I shrugged and looked a few more seconds then decided his beauty was enough to make me pass out and I should stop.

As I'm going through my lines I got last month I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and the hunk was right there.

"Hey Im Your co-star I can't wait to work with you on this. I can already see we have that bestiee chemistry." He said smiling a perfect white smile.

I played it cool.

"Oh hello.....wait who are you again? " I asked truly confused I don't know this guy at all.

"Holden, the new kid at school." He said smiling.

How come I've never seen him in the halls. HOW DO I MISS PURE SEXINESS!!

"Really? Never noticed ya...wait you must be a junior on the 3 floor I'm a senior on the 4 so we woul- "

"No! Haha I meant holden as in my character on liv and maddie. I'm Jordan Fisher... I thought you would know me considering we were extras together. " he said laughing.

"We were? .....wait!! YOU GREW YOUR HAIR BACK!! " I said noticing it was jordy. That's what the crew called him.

"JORDY!! " I screamed jumping in his arms.

He caught me and hugged me tight.

"I knew you would forget me that's why I introduced myself like I did." He said shaking his head at me.

"I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. So why you friends the hair back bro? " I asked kidding it around.

"Well teen beach two is coming out soon and I need it back for my role of Seacat..." he said combing his hair with his fingers.

"ALRIGHT GUYS LET'S SHOOT THE FIRST SCENE!! " the director yelled.

We rushed to the set and got ready.

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