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had to do one of these lol


man being the new guy in the group is pretty cool. i havent got any haters yet but i know it will soon come for me.

anyways im at my meet and greet with the guys. this really cute girl came up with a mb shirt with the new pics me and the boys took printed on it. it made me smile.

"hey whats yourname sweetie??" i ask her. "isabel, but my friends call me izzy." se said blushing and smiling hard showing off her braces and dimbles. "well what you you like today??" i asked getting closer to the table. "may i have an auto graph please, right here on this." she handed me an old mb album. i frowned a little on the side since i wasnt apart of it. "it has the original group but now it has the original and new members apart of it whether you are singing or not." she said shyly. "well that sweet. " i say going to grab the cd when i see a girl recording me and izzy. i shrugged it off as i continued to grab it when all of a sudden izzy snatched the cd out of my hand. she tore the mb shirt off her body showing an old mb crop top shirt under with prod, roc,prince, and ray only.

"HA! HAAAAAA! GOT EEEEEEEEEEM!!!!!" she screamed making the securtiy guards and the rest of the group die of laughter along with a few fans. "dont think you can replace prod." she said laughing as she walked off with her friend repalying the video over and over.

by the end of that night the video had gone viral on youtube and on vine.

"HA! HAAAAAA! GOT EEEEEEEEEEM!!!!!" I heard her recorded voice say from rays phone. "hey guys quit replaying it that video sucks anyways." prince said putting his arm around my shoulder. "thank you prince at least someone isnt laughing at me." i say looking at ray and roc as they laugh harder. "what??" i asked then i look at prince when he bust out laughing. "HA HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! GOT EEEEEEEEEM! YOU GETS NO LOVE!!!" he screams in my face sittin on the couch afterwards.

"like she said dont think you can just replace prod i mean you never will. you gotta get use to the hate.itll always be there whether you like or not kidz bop." roc said chuckling as they all left me in the front of the tour bus going to their bunks.

i shouldve stayed on kidz bop.

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