(9) Where Lindsey is a fangirl and Frank is a pain in Gerard's ass- literally

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Frank gently laid me on the bed, comforter stripped and replaced with a black one that was hidden in the back of the closet.

Unlike my sexuality.

He tucked me under the covers and my eyes were already half closed. The bed felt great.

"You'll have to take me to your place tomorrow after work... Gonna have to take some painkillers though." I mumbled, turning my face into the pillow.

"Sounds like a plan." Frank said softly. "Hey Gee?" He said, a hint of nervousness behind his voice. I hummed for him to continue and he laid back on the bed in a pair of too small sweatpants of mine. He got under the covers, shifting so his body was facing mine.

"Can you paint something for me to put up on my walls? Or maybe draw something?" He asked, causing me to turn onto my side, my eyes finding his hazel ones that winked at me in the moonlight.

"D-do you really want me to?" I asked quietly, chewing my lip nervously. He nodded quickly against the pillow, brushing a piece of hair that was slowly falling into my face behind my ear.

"I really would." He said softly. "Actually, I'd love it... Since you're coming over after work, you can see what could work with my apartment, yeah?" He breathed. I only had the energy to nod by this point, eyes heavy lidded and closing. Frank pulled my frame against his own, my batman pajama pants against the too small sweatpants. My head was tucked under Frank's chin, breathing in his scent.

Frank rubbed my lower back, causing a long sigh before slowly, I drifted from consciousness.


I was standing in front of a coffin.

Her coffin to be exact.

My black hair fell into my eyes as my knuckles were white from how tightly they were balled together. The stubby nails tore a bit at the skin, my hazel eyes just locked on her pale face.

The pale face of my grandmother.

She didn't deserve this. She didn't have to go...

Mikey came up, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "I know how much she meant to you, Gee." He whispered. My eyes just locked to her body and everything around us faded. It faded to black and it was just Helena and I in a dark area but her lying in a coffin.

Suddenly, one if her hands twitched, slowly rising to the edge as if she was preparing to sit up. Her eyes snapped open and her head towards mine, an unnerving grin crossing her features. Her eyes didn't have light in them but looked sinister.

Fuck fuck fuck... Wake up Gerard, wake up.

My body started to shake, black hair sticking to my skin. I stumbled back a bit, watching my grandmother sit up slowly. This wasn't my grandmother though... She... She wouldn't do this.

Course, I tripped over my feet, landing back and watching her stalk towards me like a predator to its pray.

My breath sped up, trying to get back up when a soft voice over came the dream. A hand touched my shoulder, causing me to give a little scream before taking the hand slowly from the darkness. It had the familiar tattooed hands. Frank's voice soothed me through the dream, slowly bringing me to wake up.

In Where Gerard Is Awkward And Tries To Seduce Frank Where stories live. Discover now