Rei gave him a closed eye smile.

"So Naruto how much stronger do you think you are since you've been training with the legendary sannin." Rei asked turning to look at Naruto.

"You know you don't have to keep calling me legendary sannin, you've made it sound so lame now." Jiraiya whined.

"Yeah call him pervy sage since that is what he is anyway." Naruto told her.

Jiraiya scowled at the blonde haired teen. These kids today have no respect he thought.

"I'm probably as strong as Kakashi sensei now!" Naruto boasted.

"Sounds like you haven't changed a bit." Kakashi said walking up behind Naruto.

"Kakashi." Jiraiya said nodding towards the copy cat ninja.

"Kakashi sensei! I was just kidding. I know I still have a long way to go to get to where you are." Naruto said scratching his head.

"I bet I'm stronger than Kakashi sensei now." Rei said jokingly.
Kakashi sighed, "I don't think either of you two were kidding but we'll see. Tomorrow we're going to spar. 4 against 2. Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, Rei vs Me and Jiraiya."

Jiraiya almost fell out his chair as he straighten up, he asked, "how did I get involved in this?"
"It's only right you get to see how far your student and daughter have grow." Kakashi said giving him a look.

Rei and Naruto leaned in listening to them.  "Before what?" They both asked curiously.

Jiraiya answered, "Before I have to go out another long mission again."
Kakashi glanced at Rei and Naruto as they went back to eating their ramen without a care in the world. He shook his head, their worlds were about to be turned upside down in only a few short months. Everyone's world were going to be turned upside.

"Meet at training grounds 7 at 8am sharp." Kakashi said to them as he poofed away.

"Will he even be there at 8am sharp. I plan on arriving an hour later just in case." Rei said.

"Be on time Rei." Jiraiya told her. "You too, Naruto" He got up, placing money down for the Ramen. "I have to finish talking to Lady Tsunade, Enjoy your ramen kiddos."

"Oh we will!" Naruto said with his mouth full. Rei smacked his head, and glared at him.
"Don't talk with your mouthful Naruto" She said, slurping up more noodles. Naruto glared back at her.
"Take your own advice!" He yelled, rubbing his head. "Geez that hurt. You're turning into Sakura."

Rei grinned and said, "speaking of Sakura, she has been training with Lady Tsunade sir, and let me tell you. If you think she use to hit hard before, just wait till tomorrow."

"I'm going to sleep early just so tomorrow can come faster." Naruto said.

Rei nodded her head agreeing as she drunk up her ramen juice.
"What about Sasuke?" Naruto asked her. Rei smiled as she thought of Sasuke.

"Sasuke has been training with Itachi, now that he is back. Itachi is probably the second strongest ninja in Konoha, so expect great things from Sasuke tomorrow." She explained.

"Don't get caught in his genjutsu." She added, shuddering.

Naruto took all of what she said in. He looked over at her, noticing her hair has gotten longer. She also wasn't as tiny as before but still pretty tiny compared to the other ninjas, and kunoichis.

"I didn't think your hair could get any longer but I was wrong. It's by your knees now. Are you going to cut it?" He asked.

Rei gave him a look as if he asked her to kill her dog. "No! My hair is my life! Plus I can protect myself with it using the move my dad taught me." She told him.

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