"Arjun ! what are you doing here ?"I asked.

Interrupting my words he said "you look totally different today b'day baby!!"

"Different , Yeah I know !! Its the dress" I pouted.

"It suits you though. The ever simple and elegant Neha looks gorgeous in this outfit " he complemented.

"Thank you " I blushed hard , my cheeks were turning pinkish. I tried to control the overflowing expressions in my face.

"On the way to office, I just came to pick you up. So shall we leave ?. " He clarified me narrowing his eyebrows.

Huhh..why is he coming closer to me and doing such things when I want him to go far away from me.

I nodded my head in agreement and went along with him since I didn't want to disappoint him the very morning . After all he is doing such things to make me happy.

We had a meeting with the V groups , I had to flee between the conference hall and my cabin to take the documents, that's when I felt how this dress discomforts me. After the pile of works done, now I was checking out the presentation for the next day's meeting , Leena and a few of my colleagues approached me and wished me Happy birthday. I thanked them and promised to give a lunch treat some other day. I felt so happy and pleasent throughout the day.

When the clock struck 5.30 p.m , Arjun's cabin door slinged open and he strode towards me. The sudden appearence of Arjun infront of me took me to a dreamland. I was totally zoned out seeing his sparkling eyes .

"Have you forgotten that you promised me a treat?" His question brought me out of the blue.

"Sorry Arjun , I totally forgot in this messed up work. Are you sure? Should we go today? I have a lots of work pending." I tried to give him a lame reason.

But that wasn't working to him ," That's okay. Keep it for later. I am not that strict boss .We are leaving now." He smirked letting out this words.

"Huhh okay" I stated.

"Bundle up your works and come out . I'll be waiting "He said and walked away ruffling his fingers through the hair.

I gawked him all the while , till he disappeared from my sight.

"God please give me strength to manage these things happening between me and Arjun." I mumbled my wish and stuffed my things into my tote and left the office.

Arjun was waiting for me ,seated in his bike with his wrists accerelating the gears , in a ready to swift mode.
As soon as I clambered upon his ducati , he traversed off .

"Arjun where are we going??"I finally opened up.

"You will get to know!! If I say it now then the surprise will be broken ,So no way I am telling it. "he answered with a grin.

"You just asked me for a treat! Now a surprise :O What do you mean by that Arjun ? Enough Arjun!! You are doing so much."I tried to stop him.
He remained silent for this. I too didn't ask anything more.

After a 30 minute ride ,we halted infront of a building with high compound walls and a big gate with Happy Home embarked to the walls.

The watchman ran towards us and opened the door saluting Arjun.

"Arjun this ...this is a home...treat.. here ?? "I stuttered rolling my eyes in confusion.

"Wait ..wait.. I'll explain" he said and parked his bike .We both got down and started walking towards the home.

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