TAA Special: Road to Ninja

Start from the beginning

As Naruto ran through the battlefield, Pain charged at him. Ryuu saw this, nodding in their direction. "You go join Naruto at your spot. I'll take care of Itachi."

"Alone?" I asked, frowning slightly.

"Relax, my dull little Doppelganger," a smooth, bell-chime voice chided. Scarlett appeared in front of us, a smirk on her porcelain face. "He has me."

"That's not very comforting, but..." I shrugged. "Why not? Just be careful!" I left them to deal with Itachi, flipping over Kisame and sending a strong kick to Pain's jaw, making him fly backwards. I landed in front of Naruto, smiling up at him.

"Show off," He muttered, rolling his eyes playfully.

"This show off just saved your ass," I reminded, nudging him. "Besides, I'm not the one who jumped into battle, which was totally stupid, by the way!"

"I was just teasing you!" He exclaimed. "And that wasn't my fault! Waiting for orders took too long, believe it!"

I rolled my eyes, smiling, "Oh, whatever. Let's just get to Sakura and Kakashi-sensei." He nodded, and together, we ran until we were at our proper location, standing next to Sakura.

Sakura, as expected, greeted Naruto by smacking him upside the head. "You idiot! What were you thinking, charging into battle like that? You were supposed to wait for orders!"

"Oi, stop hitting me!" the blonde exclaimed. "It was a tiny little mistake!"

"Yeah, a dumbass mistake," I added, crossing my arms over my chest.

His eye twitched at me. "You're not helping, brunette!"

"You say that as if 'helpful' is in my job description, blonde," I shot back, and he stuck his tongue out at me. I returned the gesture, and Sakura hit us both.

"You idiots! Stop acting so casual!" She scolded, an anime vein bulging in her forehead, "We're on a serious mission!"

As if on queue, kunai with paper bombs attached to their ends soared threw the air, aiming for us. Kakashi-sensei appeared quickly, creating an earth wall that blocked the explosions. Sai leaned against it, drawing his cartoon lion and sending it out to attack Deidara.

I activated my Mind's Eye, using it to float into the air. I spun, shooting out kunai and shuriken as I did so. A few of them skimmed Deidara's cloak, but he deflected most of them.

"Damnit!" Naruto cursed as I floated back down. He began to rush forward, "I'll just- HEY!" A hand shot out from under the ground, grabbing his ankle and making him fall face first. "What the hell is that!? Go away! THE HAND WON'T LET ME GO! DO SOMETHING!"

"It's Kakuzu's hand," I told Kakashi-sensei, who nodded, "He must be using his jutsu." 

Naruto flailed around on the ground, shouting things about the hand sucking the life out of his ankle. I facepalmed, taking out my katana and slicing the hand away. It released its hold on his ankle soon after that.

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