Chapter 22

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Aphmau's POV

"Aphmau! Aphmau! Wake up!" Someone was shaking me gently. I opened my eyes to see an eager Violet. For a moment, I was wondering why she was in my house, and my she was excited, but then I remembered that we were at a hotel going to A-Con. After that confusion, I was super excited. I jumped off my floor-bed and went straight to my bags. I searched all three of them and found not one costume. The funny thing is, I remember packing them. Oh my Irene no, I thought while panicking. I didn't leave them behind, did I? I was freaking out. I had prepped for A-Con for weeks, and now here I was, and I forgot. My. Costumes. All of them!! Unfortunately, my panic woke up the four other sleeping girls, and when I woke them none of them seemed very happy. "Aph, could you keep it down? some of us were sleeping!" Katelyn complained. "No use anymore, we're already up." Lucinda snapped. She checked the time on her phone. "But, good news: it's only 8:3- Oh my Irene! Guys it's 8:37! We have to be ready and at the front gates in 38 minutes if we want to be there when it opens!" Now, some of you might be thinking that 38 minutes is a lot of time. Normally, it is, but when you have only two bathrooms to cloth six girls with complex costumes and make-up, 38 minutes turns into the equivalent of about 20 minutes. Not a whole lot of time. Plus, the drive there takes a good ten minutes, so we really only have 28 minutes to get ready. We'll never make it!

Vi's POV

  "But, good news: it's only 8:3- Oh my Irene! Guys it's 8:37! We have to be ready and at the front gates in 38 minutes if we want to be there when it opens!" Lucinda shouted. Although I don't have much experience with A-Con and related events, I can tell you that 38 minutes is not enough time to get ready, and it's shortened even more when you take away the time it takes to drive there. Before Lucinda even finished talking, most of the girls flocked to the two, incredibly small, bathrooms. Katelyn and Nicole managed to fight their way to the bathrooms first. Go figure. Aph was still panicking because she forgot her costumes, and the rest of us got impatient. "Someone should check on the guys, make sure they're up. Kawaii~Chan doesn't want all of us scrambling around trying to get ready." Kawaii~Chan stated. "I'll go check on them," I offered. Before they could make any comment whatsoever, I made a move for the door. Anything to get a little space. I knocked on the door. Within minutes Zane opened the door, still half asleep. Now I was panicking. "Are you guys still sleeping?" I whisper-shouted. "We were until you came knocking. What's going on?" he said back, still clearly tired. "We have like, less than 28 minutes to get prepped for A-Con!" I snapped. I didn't mean to, but it happened anyways. His eyes widened and I knew I had his full attention. "Get everybody up and get ready. We are NOT going to be late," I ordered. He nodded and shut the door again. On the other side of the wall I heard sleeping boys slowly awake, and then freak out because of the time. Great times. Something ran into the wall. Once, again, these were the best of times.

~Time Skipz~

Remember when I said that we wouldn't be late? I was right. We managed to get to A-Con just on time. The front gates were being opened as we pulled into the parking lot. The cars were divided the same as the rooms: by gender. When both rental cars were parked, we all kind of just clawed our way out. The ticket man took a look at our three-day passes and let us through. I was pumped. After all, it would be my first A-Con!

~Time Skipz to after A-Con Day 1~

After a full and exciting day at A-Con, most of us were pretty tired and wanted to eat and sleep. We clambered back into the cars. Once at the hotel, we changed into normal clothing and checked the room service for food options. I don't know about the guys, but the girls didn't seem too thrilled about the choices. I got a brilliant idea. "Oh!" I said, quite loudly actually. They turned to face me. "I've got an idea: if we can't find anything to eat here, why don't we just go out to eat with the guys?" I offered. I got plenty of nods, ranging from violently excited to mildly agreeing. I hopped off the bed I was sitting on a raced to the door that lead to the guys' room. I knocked three times, and Aaron answered this time. "Vi? Something wrong?" he asked. I frowned, in a sad and pathetic way. "Yes. We're hungry." I stated, trying to act all cute and childish. He laughed. "What do you want me to do about that?" I smirked sweetly. "I want you and the guys to come have a nice restaurant dinner with me and the girls." He laughed again and nodded. "When?" I didn't know when. I had to think about it. "I dunno..15 minutes?" "K," he replied, closing the door. I squealed with delight. I quickly used my phone to surf the web for a nearby place within my budget. I happened to quickly find a decent restaurant that I could afford to treat everyone to. I texted the address to Aaron and quickly made myself presentable. I checked my phone and Aaron hadn't responded. Weird, I thought. He ALWAYS responds. Always, even if it's something like this. I heard voices on the other side of the door. They weren't yelling, but they sounded pissed. Two deep voices, resembling Zane and Aaron...Oh no. I began panicking. He didn't find out, did he?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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