Chapter 4

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Violet's POV

I woke up sitting on a black couch. At first confused, I realized that I had crashed at Zane's. Drowsy and hungry, I dragged myself of the couch and walked around. It was a nice place. I heard a noise in another room. Curious to know what it was, I walk in the direction of the sound. I was led the kitchen, where I saw Zane standing over the counter, making food. To be honest, I didn't care what kind of food it was; I was just hungry. Silently, I sat down at the table. Deciding to scare Zane, I starting talking, "Watcha makin'?" He freaked out. Spazed, lost it, whatever. He turned around and I smiled at him, trying to be as smug as I could. "What....was that for?!?" He asked. He was trying to hold in his laughter, and even yelled, but we both new he wasn't angry...just, spooked and playful.  I laughed. "I swear to Irene!" he complained. He is so cute when he's "mad,"  I thought. Even on top of how cute he was already...NO! You shouldn't be thinking that, Vi! Cool it! When I snapped back to reality, Zane was waving his hand in front of my face. "Hellooo? Earth To Violet?" he repeated. Embarrassed, I felt my face burn red. He laughed. So cute... I thought again. I couldn't help it! something between us had changed over the years. Did I actually like him? No, I couldn't possibly. After twenty minutes of a Zane Cooking Montage, He had made some of the fanciest slices of French toast I have ever seen. "Oh My IRENE!" I gasped. He blushed, clearly not expecting this kind of response. "Zane, this looks even better than IHOP French toast, and you know how decorative those are!" "T-thanks, Vi." he stuttered. I smiled. A nice, warm, friendly smile. He smiled back. "You know," I started, "You didn't have to do this, you know, make me food," He looked at me and said, "Of course I did. I invited you over and let you sleep on my couch. What else would I do?" I laughed. "Good point! Oh, and one more thing. It's going to take a couple days to get Aaron's spare bedroom ready for use, so I was wondering if I could stay here while I wait." After a Moments thought, he answered, "Sure. I don't see why not."

*Time Skip to After Awkward Silent Breakfast*

Zane took it upon himself to clean up, but I refused to let him do it alone. I pulled out my phone, got Pandora on, and turned up the music so we could hear it. The first song to come was like, the BEST. SONG. EVER!! The best part was, me and Zane happened to know all the words. I think the title was, "Like I'm Gonna Lose You" by Meghan Trainor. 

*Song Starts*                (This = You; This = Zane; This = Both)

"I found myself dreaming, in silver and gold.

Like a scene from a movie that every broken heart knows.

We were walking by moonlight, when you pulled me close

Split second and you disappear and then I was all alone.

Woke up in tears, with you by my side.

Breath of relief, and I realized

No, we can't promise tomorrow"

"So I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you,

I'm gonna hold you, like I'm saying goodbye,

Where ever we're staying, I won't take you for granted

Cause we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time,"

"So I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you, I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you"

"In the blink of an eye, just a whisper of spoke,

You could lose everything, the truth is you never know,

So I'll kiss you longer baby, any chance that I get,

I'll make the most of the minutes and love with no regrets.

Lets take our time, to say what we want (Say what we want!), use what we got, before it's all gone,

No, we can't promise tomorrow"

"So I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you,

I'm gonna hold you, like I'm saying goodbye,

Where ever we're staying, I won't take you for granted

Cause we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time,"

"So I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you, I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you"

*Song Ends*

Still Violet's POV

I giggled when the song ended. We were already half way done. We probably would've finished, but the syrup got a little stuck to the plates. The next song started playing, but we kind of ignored it. Zane took his thoroughly soaked hands and flicked water at me. I gasped at the sheer nerve he had to do that. with and malicious smirk I flicked more water on him. We kept doing so back and forth until I grabbed a small cup and poured a little more water on him. Not much, but enough to make him chase me around the house. Squealing and screaming, I ran. He had the upper hand because I didn't know this house like he did. I got myself into a dead-end hallway. I tried to run past him but I failed miserably, accidentally giving him the perfect opportunity to pin me to the floor. He had his knees on my arms holding them down, keeping his hands free for my punishment. Cracking his knuckles, prepared for my downfall. It came so sudden, so fast. Before I even knew what was happening he was tickling, knowing exactly where I w as ticklish. I screamed some more, and tried to free myself from this torture. My attempts were futile. If anything, this made things worse, because I got myself into a position that made it even easier to tickle me. He laughed wickedly while I was thrashing about, begging for mercy. "Zane! P-p-please stop! I c-can't b-b-breath!" I begged between squeals. Finally caving, he stopped. As quickly as it had come, it left twice as fast. Completely out of breath and a face flushed with deep shades of red, he sat there, just staring. I waited for his next move, but it was just him not-so-gracefully getting off me. I was a little disappointed, but I don't know why.

Zane's POV

I had chased Violet around my house and managed to corner her. She tried to make a break for it, but i caught her and pinned her to the ground. There would be no escaping this. Holding her down with my knees, I used by hands to tickle her until she begged for mercy. After a good 10 minutes, I stopped. But instead of getting off of her like I had planned, I sat there, comprehending the thought that entered my mind. Here we were, play fighting, I suppose. She's so unbelievably pretty, I thought. I wish I could kiss her. After thinking about it for quite some time, I decided that I wouldn't risk it. I slowly, and very clumsily, climbed off of her. I offered my hand to help her up, and she took it. We walked back down to the kitchen, and I changed my sweatshirt. I came out of my room and say Vi standing at the door. "Watcha doin' Vi?" I asked. She spun around. "I was waiting for you so we could go tell Aaron that I'm going stay with you until his quest room is ready." she said. "O-oh. Ok" I stuttered. We left for Aaron's house, and noticed that he must have come back awfully late. The good news is, he was home.

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