Chapter 1

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Violets POV

It had stopped raining by the time I reached my brother's neighborhood. I looked at the bright, colorful houses along with their addresses until I found my brother's residence. I pulled my car to the curb and walked to his front door. Knocking three times, I heard the lock click and watched the doorknob turn slowly. He answered. We hadn't spoken in years, and I felt awkward to be there. He must have felt the same way, because he just stood there, staring at me. I swallowed. "H-h-hey Aaron," I said cautiously, waiting for his response.

Aaron's POV

I was sitting on my couch, watching TV when I heard a knock at the door. Wondering who it could be, I opened the door to find my sister, Violet, standing there, soaking wet. I must have looked dumbfounded, because she chuckled nervously. "H-h-hey Aaron," she said softly. I smiled. I hugged her. She must not have been expecting it, because she became tense, but slowly hugged back. I welcomed her inside. "What brought you here?" I asked. She started to tear up. "I got evicted," she started. "and I was hoping I could maybe stay with you until I got another place of my own." I smiled again. "Of course you can stay with me, but I'll have to clean up my spare room, which could take a day or two." I answered her. She smiled. "Thank you so much...and I'll help clean out that room." she whispered, clearly on the verge of tears. At that moment, someone else decided to pay me a visit. Violet looked at me as I walked towards the door, almost praying that it wasn't Aphmau. I don't know what I expected, seeing as how my luck has never been very good. I opened the door to find Aphmau and....Zane?! A little confused, I decided to let her in. She was my girlfriend after all. She pulled Zane along with her, super excited for something...WAIT! I had completely forgotten that Aphmau asked if we could all have a "movie marathon." It was too late. Aphmau walked in and saw Violet standing there. They both gave me a look that clearly asked, "Who is she?" Zane was indifferent. "Aphmau, this is my sister Violet. Violet this is my girlfriend, Aphmau." I explained. Simultaneously, they breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, I did too. Violet chose that moment to notice Zane, and he chose that moment to general. Violet screamed, causing me to hold my hands up to my ears. "Zane? Zane Ro'Meave?" She screeched. I gave her a look that I hoped said "Knock it off." He looked at her, and after a while VISIBLY smiled and responded, somehow knowing her already. "Vi?" he questioned. She was so excited, and it had me a bit confused. "Where did they know each from?" I thought to myself.

Zane's POV

"Zane? Zane Ro'Meave?" I heard a girl scream. I turned toward the voice and saw a familiar face. Could that really be Vi? "Vi?" I asked. I was getting excited. She screamed again and hugged me. Though a little reluctant, I hugged back.  She started talking, but to fast for anyone to understand. it sounded a bit like, "OMGZANEICANTBELIEVEITSREALLYYOUITSBEENYEARSANDIMISSEDYOUSOMUCH!" (omg Zane I can't believe it's really you it's been years and I missed you so much.) "What on Earth did you just say?" I laughed. "Does it matter? Come on we ha-" she was cut off by Aaron. "Did I miss something here?" he asked us. She started to crack up. After recovering her breath, she started talking again. "OK, so Aaron, do you remember when we moved, and you were so upset that you would hardly leave your room?" she interrogated him. "Yeah...why?" he said nervously, "And there were those kids that I used to hang out with when ever I could?" He raised and eyebrow. She sighed an extremely disappointed sigh. "How have you not put two and two together yet?" she asked while shaking her head. I watched his expression as the pieces fell into place. Suddenly realizing what Violet was getting at, he looked at me, then Violet, and back at me. Violet laughed so hard her gave turned red. I chuckled, not at the way Aaron responded, but the way Violet responded to his response. Aphmau stood giggling. Aaron smiled, took Aphmau's hand and walked off. Violet somehow understood what he was doing and calmed down a little. She laughed again. We spent the rest of the night swapping stories since we split ways. Screaming, laughing and finally passing out, it was a great night.

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