Chapter 9

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Violet's POV

I woke up in a small stone room, dimly lit by a single light bulb. In front of me was a tall flight of stairs, and to my right a small wooded desk and chair. My arms were chained to the wall with thick, sturdy rope. I was trapped, scared, and alone. The back of my head hurt like crazy. I felt tears roll down my cheeks once more. Somewhere above me, I heard a door creak and heavy footsteps stepped casually, getting closer and closer. A tall, dark figure turned the corner. As it got closer to the light, I could see that it was a man, just barely older than me. He had caramel colored hair that curled out from underneath a baseball cap twisted backwards. He had a green shirt and a white athletic jacket with black detailing (Shown above). He also wore dark, baggy jeans and jet black tennis shoes. He walked up to me and smiled. It was a kind smile, and for a moment I thought it was real. Then he started talking. "Well 'ello there, girlie! Nice and early in the mornin', eh?" he said. "Now I bet you're wondering what's 'appenin', huh? Well, that's none of your concern." He turned to leave. "Oh, and by the way, cute ears." On that note he walked back up the stairs, leaving me alone again. Cute ears? What did he mean, 'Cute ears?' I thought. I kept pondering his words when a felt something furry brush against my leg. I jumped and looked down. It was a tail, like a cat's tail. It was a deep purple. Surely not, I panicked. I pushed my head against my hands and felt soft, pointy, ears. I yelped. N-no, this CAN'T be happening! I panicked. "Nya!~ Hehmmmm!" I heard a high pitched voice, laughing. Irene, PLEASE don't do this to me! I begged with all my might. "Miss me?" she cooed. Michi. "What do you want, Michi?" i hissed. "No need to through a hissy fit, Violet." Already with the cat puns. Yaaay. She continued on. "Michi just came to give you insight into what was happening. Nya!~ That man who was down here a little bit ago, his name is Jerrod. Big pushover, really, but he knows what he wants. Nya!~" "How does that help?" I complained. "It doesn't help you. Just Michi. She knows what's going to happen to you, and hopefully Michi's plan will work." "What plan?" I asked, extremely cautiously. "Nothing, just let Michi handle that. Nya!~" "Michi? You down 'ere?" I heard that guy say, Jerrod, was it? "Nya!~ She is indeed!" Michi called back. "'K. Now get out, will ya?" He commanded. With a devilish smirk she strutted up the stairs and out the door. He looked me down and nodded. "Mighty fine," he whispered to himself, but loud enough for me to hear. "Excuse me?" I demanded. "Waz your name?" He asked. "Why do you want to know?" I shot back. After a minute of awkward silence, he laughed. "Girlie, you got sass. I like that." I scowled. "Why you gotta be like that? Just makes things harder for you!"

(You youngins' had better skip right through! Gets weird here! Kind of awkward writing this! you'll see more bold!) My scowl turned to a look of utter shock as he got on all fours. He got closer and closer until he was practically on top of me. "Now Girlie, you wanna do this the easy way or the hard way?" he whispered in my ear. When he finished talking, he licked my ear. He licked my ear! YOU DON'T JUST DO THAT! He leaned back and looked me square in the eye. I tried to rip apart his flesh with my carnivorous canines, but failed. He laughed, saying, "Good. I was hoping we'ed do this that way!" Jerrod got closer than before, until our noses were touching. He smirked, and smashed his face into mine. I felt my eyes widen, and wanted to scream, but I knew if I did I'd let him into my mouth. He bit my lower lip, hard. "Ow!" I yelled. Stupid mistake. He took his chance and went back in. Before I could react, I felt his tongue slid over mine. Ewwwwww! I thought. His rough hands slid into my shirt, going...uhh...places. I screamed, for real this time.  Another stupid mistake. He went in deeper. He keep going until I bit him on the tongue, using my new cat features to my advantage. He hopped back a good foot, surprise plastered on his face. That surprise quickly turned to anger, and he stood. He got closer to me, knelt down again, and grabbed my chin with his hand, forcing me to look at him. "Don't you ever do that again, Girlie. Or it'll be the death of you." he snarled. Moving his hand, he took a couple steps back. Then, he did it. He slapped me. The sharp sound echoed around the room, off every surface. "Consider that a warning." He turned back and left, growling as he did. The entire left side of my face stung from where he hit me.

  (Feel free to come back and read!) When he left, I cried. I ended up crying myself to sleep. When I woke up, I felt something was different. I put my hand in a position to where  I could get up. Wait, I thought. I CAN GET UP! I stood up and walked around the room. I noticed a torn up grey couch buried in the corner. Across from it sat a small, tattered bed. I walked up the stairs to see what was up there. I walked up like, three flights of stairs to find but a heavy steel door. I pushed on it, but it was locked. I walked solemnly back down the stairs, sat down, and cried. It was all so hopeless, I thought. I'll never get out. 

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