Chapter 11

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Zane's POV

I stood up from my position on the floor. Without realize, I got onto four feet. It was so natural. The once colorful world around me faded into shades of blue, yellow, and black. I could smell things I couldn't smell before, like the bitter scent coming from Lucinda that I automatically identified as shock. I looked down and saw two paws instead of hands, or feet. I looked behind me and found a furry black body, two more paws, and a thick black tail. I found out what was so different. I had become a dog. An actual dog. I stared at Lucinda and growled. "Lucinda!" I yelled. All that came out was a threatening bark. "Calm down, Zane. The potion is reversible, and besides, it will start to wear off with time. Do you see anything unusual, or smell anything?" she asked as calmly as possible. I looked around, searching through the entire house. I found Vi's room, and sniffed around with Lucinda in pursuit. I found another new scent, a very sweet one. it smelled like a flower, a violet I think. I barked, trying to tell Lucinda that I had found something. I nosed it when she came over. She picked it up and lead me outside. There was already a mob of people waiting at my door. The stood back, shocked, when they saw me. Most kept their distance, but some, *cough cough* Kawaii~Chan, freaked out and started petting me. I would have found it weird, but since I was a dog, it felt a little different. The way Kawaii~Chan stroked me reminded me of the feeling I get when someone hugs me. Not the best feeling ever, but I was getting used to it slowly. She started scratching behind my ear. What is it with dogs and scratching behind their ears? I thought, finding it odd how nice this felt. Without even realizing it, I was thumping my right, back leg against the concrete. Lucinda giggled. She leaned down and whispered into Kawaii~Chan's ear. "Kawaii~Chan," she started. Kawaii~Chan looked at her confused. "That's not a real dog," she explained. "Huh? Kawaii~Chan doesn't understand what you mean, Lucinda~Chan." Questioning murmurs spread through the crowd. Lucinda looked at me again. I pushed my muzzle against her leg. "So, yeah. The potion worked, just in an unexpected way..." she trailed off near the end. "What do you mean, 'in an unexpected way'?" someone said. It sounded like Garroth. Lucinda chuckled nervously as Kawaii~Chan stepped back. Trying to answer his question, I stood on by hind legs and jumped. I barked couple of times and got back on all fours. "Kawaii~Chan, can't you talk to animals on some minimal level?" I asked through more barks. She shrieked and smiled wide, clearly understanding me. "KAWAII~CHAN UNDERSTANDS!" she yelled. I cocked my head. "The potion turned Zane~Kun into a puppy!" she squealed. I barked. Someone laughed. Laurence walked up to me and tested me. "If you're Zane, then show me where Aphmau used to live." he said, emphasizing 'used'. I barked and ran off, turning back to let him know that I wanted him to follow. He did, and he was followed by the rest of them. I ran up to Aphmau's old residence, placed my front paws on the deep red door, and whined. "Oh my Irene," I heard Laurence whisper. "I'll be damned," Katelyn said as she walked up to me. "One more test, Fido," she said. I growled and bared my teeth. "Alright, Alright, jeez! Go find where Aphmau's pony collection was." She told me. I rolled my eyes and pawed the door again so she'd let me in. She opened the door and I bolted up the stairs to a looked white door. Katelyn unlocked it, not even trying to show how impressed she was. I raced to her closet and nosed the door open, showing them all the empty shelves where she had keep all her figurines. "OH MY IRENE IT REALLY IS ZANE!" Aphmau screeched. I flopped my ears down, got on the floor, and put my paws over my ears. Aphmau giggled, unaware that my hearing became better as a dog. When they yelled, it hurt like hell. I whined. She made that face she only makes when she has and idea. "I'll be right back." she said and hurried out the door, only to return minutes later with Celeste. Celeste barked, and I could understand it. "This dog had a familiar scent!" Celeste had a very high pitched voice. "I should hope so!" I barked back. Celeste was squirming now, trying to get out of Aphmau's hold. Aphmau set her down, and she ran over to me and sniffed me all over, getting dangerously close to my butt. Thankfully I sat down before she could...smell...there. She propped her stubby little paws on my shoulder, trying hard to reach my face. When she finally did, she licked it. "Yay! a new friend!" she barked happily. I heard multiple 'Awwws' in the background. I layed down, and felt a warm little body curl up next to me. I smiled that stupid dog smile. Aphmau and some of the others giggled, while Garroth hid his face in his hands. I soon realized why. I had COMPLETELY forgotten about the last time Aphmau had invited me to a Fanfic Reading. The very thought sent shivers down my spine. (That was the first Jefflyn fanfic reading ever btw) I growled, letting them know NOT to bring that up. The laughter started to die down. "I'm sorry Zane," Aphmau apologized. "But it was REALLY funny!" I glared at her. This is going to be a living hell, I thought. Irene, what did I do to deserve this?!

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