Chapter 2

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Violet's POV

I woke up, leaned over like I was propped against something. I looked around, and saw that I was still in Aaron's house on the couch. I checked my phone and saw that it was about 6:00. Everyone else is still asleep. I turned to my right to see what was holding me up. To my horror, it was Zane. Knowing that he was passionate about his personal space, I tried to ease myself off of him without waking anyone. My problem was that I forgot how Aaron was such a light sleeper. Moving towards the other side of the couch, the springs squeaked and I cringed as I saw Aaron get up. He fell asleep with that Aphmau girl on the floor. He stated at me, looked at Zane, nodded, and pretended nothing happened. He continued to get up, however, and decided to do Irene knows what on his phone. Must've been a game because I could see the way his fingers tapped the small screen repeatedly. I moved to the right side of his couch and grabbed a pillow. There was NO way I was getting up this early. I easily fell asleep.

Aaron's POV

I woke up to the sound of my couch springs groaning as something moved. Realizing that I has fallen asleep on my rug, I sat up and saw Violet inching across my couch. I found it odd, until I saw Zane and figures she accidentally fell asleep on him. She looked at me and I nodded, letting her know I understood. I decided to stay up, no matter how early, and moved to my OTHER couch. To pass the time I played some games on my phone. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Violet grab a pillow and fall asleep. I smiled. Shortly after though, I felt sleepy myself and fell asleep. By the time I woke up again, the other three were up. Aphmau walked over to me and knelt down, looking directly at me.  "Good morning, sleeping beauty!" she said quietly. I have her a friendly scowl, and she just smirked back. I stood up and walked into my kitchen. Zane and Violet were talking at the table. When they noticed my presence, Violet stopped and pleaded for me not to say a thing about last night with her eyes. Zane nodded a Hello, and looked back at Vi. I looked straight at her and let her know I wouldn't spill any secrets. She looked away relieved and struck up another conversation with Zane. Aphmau came in and stood at my oven. I realized she had been in the process of making pancakes, which sounded amazing until I remembered that she was a guest at my house. I helped her make all the breakfasts. 😛

Zane's POV

Me and Vi were talking as quietly as possible so as not to wake Aaron. In the middle of a story she was sharing, he walked in. I nodded, and Vi looked like she's was almost begging him not to do something...but what? After Aphmau and Aaron made breakfast, I decided that my stay was a little too long. "As great as it was hanging out with all of you, I should probably get going." I said, starting towards the door. I felt an arm stop me. Vi was holding me back, literally. "Why're you leaving?" she asked with an almost sad expression. "Because I feel like now would be a great time to leave," I said with a joking attitude. I turned around. Catching Aaron's expression at just the right time, I thought I saw a but of mischief in his eyes. Vi must have, too, because she stared at him intensely. Apparently not caring, she turned back to me and asked, "Can I at least have your address or your number or something?" I smiled and wrote it all down on a piece of scrap paper, Because I decided it would be a lot easier than trying to give her directions from here. She grinned from ear to ear. "You're free to leave, Ro'Meave." she said, trying to sound tough but failing. I laughed under my breath and saluted her, playing along. I walked out the door.

Aaron's POV

Zane ended up leaving after breakfast, and when he had left I decided to tease the both of them. I started talking to Vi. "Hey, Vi," I said. She looked up at me. "Shouldn't you get to know the neighbors and have someone show you around?" I reminded her casually. She got excited. "Absolutely! Can you do it?" she asked. " No, I'm sorry, I can't. I've got work today. Maybe Zane would want to help you out?" She was a little disappointed at first, but then agreed When I mentioned Zane. Without another word, she got up and bolted out the door. I smirked. "What's with the evil smile?" Aphmau asked from behind me. "Nothing much, I just want Vi to get to know this place."  I said slyly. "Promise you won't say anything to Vi about me not working?" She have me a look, but happily agreed. Knowing I had to have a cover so that they didn't come back and see me there, I kissed Aphmau goodbye and hopped in my car. Wasn't sure where to go, so I went to the mall, hoping to at least do something constructive with my time.

Violet's POV

I was out the door without giving this idea any second thought. Looking for Zane, I found him much farther down the street. I started to run towards him, and got pretty far when someone blocked my way. He was tall, with white hair, green eyes, and a teal sweatshirt. He was vaguely familiar. He smirked and started to flirt. "Hhheeeeyyyyy Babyyy! You're lookin' MIGHTY fine today! Might I ask your name?" he said. I smiled a fake smile, trying to be polite. "My name is Violet. I'm terribly sorry to rude, but I need to be going." I said. He winked and walked off. Creep. By the time that was over I had lost Zane. I decided to look for his house. Following the address he have me, I soon reached a beautiful black house. It just had to be Zane's. I knocked on the front door. After a few minutes, Zane answered. He looked surprised to see me. He smirked mischievously. "Back so soon?" he asked. "Yep!" I replied cheerfully. "I was wondering if you would show me around the neighborhood. Will ya?" Without asking questions, he shrugged. "Ok," he said. He locked the door and walked me down his side of the street. After a little while of walking and meeting new people, we came to a gorgeous brick house. "This would be my brother's house." Zane said casually. Excited, I came to the front door and knocked. Zane stood to my right. Roughly 5 minutes later, the door opened. A brunette man about my height and bright green eyes answered. "Hey big br-" He managed to say before I tackled him. "VYLAD!" I yelled. Still confused, he looked at me like I was crazy. I didn't mind, though, because I probably was.😉 After a while, he started to recognize me. "Vi?" he asked happily. I smiled bright and cheesy. Vylad laughed. "So you live here, huh?" I asked. "Just until I can find a place of my own," he answered. He invited me inside. Inside, I saw two women say on the couch. One had light blue hair, and the other had bright pink hair and black car ears. "Katelyn~Sama, why do they have to kill those large people? Kawaii~Chan doesn't understand." the pink haired girl asked. "Kawaii~Chan, we've been over this. Those big guys are called 'titans,' and they need to die because they're gonna kill all of the humans." the blue haired one said, quite annoyed. Looking at the TV, I saw that they were watching Attack On Titan. "Mmm...Kawaii~Chan still doesn't understand." "LADIES!" Vylad interrupted. They both looked up. "What?" the blue haired girl complained. "We have company..." he said, pointing at me and Zane. She turned around. The cat girl kept looking at is three, as if expecting something. Vylad sighed. "Kawaii~Chan, this is Violet. Vi, this is Kawaii~Chan." Kawaii~Chan ran over and hugged me. I looked at the boys, but they only shrugged. Kawaii~Chan let go, smiled, and went back to her seat. "The other girl is Katelyn." Vlyad said. She merely lifted her hand. I smiled at how indifferent she seemed. "Right now we're watching Attack On Ti-" He was cut off by Kawaii~Chan's screams. "OH MY IRENE KAWAII~CHAN SHUT UP!" Katelyn yelled. "Kawaii~Chan is sorry but she didn't know this anime was so brutal!" she said between sobs. I watched as a titan picked up a human, and bite him in two, spraying blood everywhere. Vylad shook his head. I laughed, saying, "As much as I'd love to watch this with you, we should really be going." He smiled and waved as Zane lead me out. "I didn't know your brother was back in town, let alone in this neighborhood!" I exclaimed. He rolled his eyes. He led me towards the house diagonal from Aphmau's place. Confused, I asked, "What about that house, across from Aphmau?" He groaned and took me there despite being incredibly reluctant. I knocked, and that white haired creep from earlier answered. Taken aback, I accidentally let a sour face slip. He either didn't notice or didn't care. "Back so soon, baby?" he flirted. Before I could answer, Zane cut in. "Travis, leave her alone. She's new around her and besides, she's Aaron's sister." He looked at Zane and laughed. "So what if she's Aaron's sister?" Zane was getting annoyed. "Have you NOT seen how protective he is of Aphmau? This is his sister! Are you seriously not putting two and two together?" After a moment of thought,  Travis realized where he went wrong and somehow knew what would happen of he pulled anything with me. You could just see the subtle fear in his eyes. He apologized sheepishly, and invited us in.

Travis's POV

Hearing a knock at our door, I opened it to find that Violet girl and Zane. "Back so soon, baby?" I flirted. Worst. Decision. EVER. I soon found out that she was Aaron's sister, and I felt defeated. She was a woman that would be a little TOO hard to get. Aaron was protective of Aphmau, and just thinking what would happen if he knew I had flirted with his sister sent shivers up my spine. I let them in.

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