Chapter 3

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Violet's POV

Travis let us into his house. I saw three other guys sitting on a blue couch. One had dark blue hair, another had light brown hair, and the third was a familiar blonde. "Garroth?!" I yelled. I was a little surprised that all three Ro'Meaves lived in the same neighborhood. On hearing his name, the blonde turned towards me showing clearly his deep blue eyes. Had to be Garroth. "Vi?" he asked calmly. I nodded, and he smiled. "My Irene, it's been years! If I remember correctly, I haven't seen you since highschool!" I laughed. " Its nice to know that you still have the memory of an elephant." I teased. He scrunched up his nose in protest. I laughed harder. Even Zane chuckled. The other three looked completely confused. Garroth saw this too, and explained. "Violet is and old friend. Me,  Zane and Vylad have known her since we were little." The brunette nodded slowly, Travis opened his mouth in an 'ohhh' motion, and the blue haired guy still looked completely unaware. He shrugged it off, and turned back towards the TV. "This guy," Garroth started, pointing at the brunette, "is Laurence. That guy," he said pointing at the blue haired guy, " is Dante, and that last one over there is-" "Travis," I said, cutting Garroth off. "We've already met, kind of." I explained. Laurence smiled, Travis waved awkwardly, and Dante remained unresponsive until Laurence hit him on the arm. He nodded.

Garroth's POV

Travis went to open the door. Having a brief conversation, I heard Zane and a woman. Travis let them in. A short woman with blackish purple hair and deep violet eyes stepped through the door, followed by my baby brother. I turned away. She recognized me. "Garroth?!" She sounded a little surprised to see me. I turned back to her and saw that it was Violet, our old friend from way back when. My Irene she's cute, I thought. I snapped out of it. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! After I introduced everyone, she came and sat next to me, followed once again by Zane. Travis shut the door and sat next to Dante. Someone's phone vibrated. Dante freaked out and fumbled with what I can only assume was his phone. He gasped and started to leave. "Where are you going, Dante?" Vi asked. Dante froze and looked back. "I'm going to visit with someone." he said quickly while blushing. Laurence leaning toward Vi and whispered, "His girlfriend." Violet giggled and Dante blushed harder. Laurence sat back and smirked. Dante walked out the door and took a left. He was gonna go "talk" to Nicole.

Zane's POV

As Vi and I ended our night around the neighborhood, we walked back to Aaron's house. It was almost 8:30, and he wasn't there. I had no idea what to do. "Looks like he's out. Do you have a key?" I asked her. "No..." She responded. "Here, we can hang at my house until he gets home." I offered. She nodded, and I led her back to my house, huge and empty, it stood alone on a dimly lot part of the street. Thanks a lot, street lamps, I thought. Unlocking the door, I let her in. She say on my couch in the dark until I turned the lights on. They were blinding compared to the faint yellow glow of the street lights. I sat next to her. "So...what Do ya wanna do? I'm not very good at entertaining people, seeing as how I'm not usually the host." I said. She laughed, and said, "Just turn on the TV. In not staying for too long." I grabbed the remote and pressed the "ON" button. My TV clicked and started up on some random nature channel. I turned on Netflix, and flipped through some shoes and movies. We scrolled over multiple options before she yelled, "Stop!" I froze, with the cursor landed on My Little Horsie. She smiled, and asked, "Do you still watch it?" I smiled back and clicked it as my answer. She squealed and we ended up watching almost six episodes. Half say through the sixth, she got sleepy and asked if it was ok to crash here for the night. I looked at her like she asked the STUPIDEST question ever, because, well, she did. "Of course you can stay, Vi." I told her. She yawned and thanked me, smiling. I got up to blankets and a pillow. I stacked them in my coffee table. It was almost the end of that episode, when I felt her lean on my shoulder, deep in sleep. I smiled, and got up as carefully as possible. I put the pillow under her head and covered her with a blanket. I smiled again. She's so cute when she sleeps, I thought. No, I shouldn't be thinking about thinks like that. She started mumbling in her sleep. Adorable. I quickly put on some pajamas and climbed into bed, thinking happily about the day.

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