Chapter 17

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Violet's POV

"Della?" I ask. She looks me up and down, smiles, and nods. "It is." she replies. I simply couldn't believe my eyes. Della, my brother's ex-girlfriend, and the only person who I can count as a sister, was standing at the door. She left so many years ago. Why is she here? Does it have to do with Aaron? So many questions raced through my head as I gawked at her. "Vi? Sweetie, are you OK?" I heard her ask. I snapped back into reality to find both Zane and Della looking at me with concern. I blushed a little out of embarrassment. "I'm fine. Oh! I suppose you should come in," I said, looking at Zane to back me up. He merely shrugged and stepped away from the door. She hesitated. Finally caving, she walked into the house. I lead her to the living room, and we sat down. Zane sat on a chair adjacent to us. "What brings you here?" I asked her. "It's been ages since I saw you last!" I was so happy to see her again. She looked a little choked up, and stayed silent. "Della?" I asked. "I'm here.." she started. "To remind y-you all of a-another l-life." I don't know how she managed to say that without crying, but that she did. Her words, however, confused me. Zane spoke up before I could. "I hate to intrude on this moment, but, 'another life'?" She glared at him, and nodded. "here's one problem: I can't." This rose all sorts of questions, from 'Why can't you?' to 'What's this other life?' It was crazy! I couldn't hear myself. Della must have felt the same, because she cleared her throat. The easiest way to get people to shut up. "I know I have explaining to do, but I need to talk to Violet in private," she said, signaling Zane to leave. He got up and walked upstairs. Della watched him leave, and when she was sure he couldn't hear us, she addressed me. "Vi," she whispered in a quivering voice. "Yeah?" "About that other life..." I looked at her expectantly. "...Terrible things happen. It's a life we all lead taking place in the middle ages," Oh my Irene..the Middle Ages? With like, very few laws? This can't be good. "Violet I want to tell you so badly, but some of those bad things happen to the only other two people you care about. I can't do that to you." Tears rolled down her face. I hugged her. "I'm sure I can handle i-" "No," Della cut in. "You can't. You couldn't in the other life when you actually knew about. How could you possibly deal with it now?" I pondered her question. "Violet, if I explain the other life to you all, I will tear the community to shreds. So many people will be heartbroken, or devastated. I can't do that to this street, to you." I was starting to tear up now. "Why do you have to tell us?" I asked. "I have orders from a higher power. They decided it was time you remember. I can't, though." She was crying a little harder. "Violet," she choked. "This might be the last time you ever see me." Once again, I couldn't believe it. After all these years, I got to see Della and now some "higher power" is going to kill her because she doesn't have the heart to tear this community to complete shreds. That is pure horse crap. "What happens if you do tel us?" I questioned. "Like I said, most of you will remember losing loved ones. All the memories from the other life will mix with memories from this one. Without a doubt a good portion of you will go crazy thinking that you're someone you really aren't. This will become a terrible place." I didn't know how to handle the situation. On one hand, I was curious to see my alternate life. On the other hand, I wanted to protect these people who I have grown attached to. "Della, I-I," I didn't even know what to say. "I don't want to lose you. You said some people have died in the other life. Does that mean they'll die here when they remember, or.." "No, they'll still be alive. They just won't remember anything past their death." I thought for a moment. "Then do it." "What?!" She stared at me with wide eyes. "Do it. Make us remember." As long as no one was physically hurt, all was well...right? "Are you sure?" she asked. I nodded. "We should probably let everyone know what's happening, though." She chuckled. I got up to go find Zane. Luckily, I knew exactly where to find him. He was in his bedroom, sprawled on his bed doing Irene knows what on his phone. I knocked before entering, just to make sure he knew I was there. He looked at me with a cocked eyebrow. His black tail swayed back and forth. "Come on, we need to talk about something." Without questions, he followed me back to where Della was sitting. She looked a little nervous. "Zane," I whispered into his ear. "Hmm?" " remember that alternate life Della was talking about?" "Yeah..why?" "She's going to make us remember, so if you have weird new memories, that's why." "OK?" "Good." I let him go. He sat down in the same chair as before. We spread the word, telling everyone we could. It was about 5:28 when we finished. Della chose that time to activate the spell she had prepared. Small white magic beams shot from her outstretched hand and darted through the cool air, flying through solid walls. I was standing next to her at the time, and received my memories first. there were some good, plenty bad. After a couple minutes it stopped. Still dazed, I hardly noticed the other people crowding around me. Almost all of them were crying. I felt something warm rolled down my check and off my chin. I hadn't even realized that I was crying. After I became aware of my surroundings, I saw everyone from the street except for one person: Zane.

Just Roomates | A ZanexOC FFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें