Chapter 19

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Kawaii~Chan's POV

Kawaii~Chan went to go see if Violet~Sama and Zane~Kun were alright. No one has seen them since last night. We were all a little worried, and Kawaii~Chan offered to look. What she found amazed her. After looking around the whole house, Kawaii~Chan finally found them! They were leaning against a wall asleep, nearby what Kawaii~Chan could only guess were bedrooms. Kawaii~Chan saw a knife laying on the floor in front of them, but she realized it was OK because they were both still breathing. Violet~Sama was laying her sweet little head on Zane~Kun's shoulder, purring. Kawaii~Chan giggled. Kawaii~Chan thinks she found a new ship for the Shipping Shrine.

Zane's POV

I woke up, leaning against a vertical surface. Probably a wall. I leaned forward and found out that I horrifically stiff from my chosen place of rest. I felt weight on my left shoulder. I saw Vi, sleeping peacefully. I wanted to kiss her so bad. I suppose it wasn't weird anymore, right? I kissed her once and she came back to do it again..but we were interrupted. Small pieces of memories from last night came crashing into my mind. Mostly about that "other me" and how Vi had said she'd stay with me. I scratched one of her ears, and she let out a soft purr. The rumbling sound came from deep within her throat. Adorable. At that time I was pretty conflicted; I really wanted to get something to eat, but at the same time I never wanted that moment to end. Her deep purple tail swished to the side. I decided I could wait until she got up. I sat there, gazing at her sheer beauty, when she started to wake up. I panicked and pretended to just wake up myself. I could tell she was awake. She snuggled closer to me, like she was cold. I put an arm around her when a heard something snap. It sounded a bit like that noise one's phone makes when taking pictures...snap! Again and again. Practically nonstop. It started to bug Vi too, because she started to become restless. I growled at whoever was taking pictures, trying to warn them of the consequences. I'm pretty sure I got the message across. Vi chose that moment to pretend to wake up. She yawned, which in turn made me yawn. They do, after all, claim that yawns are contagious. She giggled and blushed a light rose color. Mine did to, and I thought I was protected, but somewhere along the line my mask had been removed. I felt myself blush a darker red. Vi giggled again and put her head back on my shoulder. "Vi," I whispered. "Mm?" she mumbled back, clearly content with her current state. I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute she was being. "I need to get up," "Just a little while longer?" she begged. "No." I said with a playfully strict tone. She whined but obliged. I stood and offered her my hand. She gladly took it, and I pulled her to her feet. I started for the stairs when she stopped me. I sighed and turned to face her. "Ya know," she said seductively. "We never got to finished what we started," I gulped. I wasn't quite sure what she meant, but by the way she was speaking I figured it couldn't be anything good. I started to say something, but then became to nervous when she started inching closer. She was as close as I was the first time, nose to nose. She smiled sweetly and pushed her lips against mine. My Irene it was great. I really tried to control myself, really, but the way she started it, like she was hoping I would. I licked her bottom lip to let her know what I wanted. She didn't deny, and I snaked my tongue into her mouth. A new experience for me. I put my tongue back as far as I could reach. She moaned. I decided to take it slower and instead played with her tongue. She seemed to enjoy it. We might have gone on like that for ever if we didn't need oxygen to survive. I pulled back. She looked me in the eye with a look I couldn't resist. I waited, though. I smirked and walked down stairs. I sat on the couch, and she sat right next to me with no room in between. She pressed her shoulder against me and I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her closer. I didn't even know that was possible! She switched her position on the couch to one on my lap. I felt myself blush, probably a deep scarlet. I still wasn't used to this kind of stuff, let alone with Vi. She's been my best friend since before I can really remember.  We binged on some TV for hours on end when there was a knock on the door. Vi literally jumped off my lap and went to answer the door. She must have been afraid of a certain person coming, or something, because after looking through the peep hole, she sighed and opened the door. On the outside was Kawaii~Chan, someone who I NEVER expected to see at my door step. Something was on her mind and it was making her beyond giddy. Her grin stretched from ear to ear, and she was practically bursting at the seams. "K-Kawaii~Chan?" Violet asked, obviously just as surprised as I was. Kawaii~Chan giggled. "Yep! That's Kawaii~Chan's name! She has something she wants to ask you. Can she come in?" Vi let her in, much to my displeasure. Her next move both surprised and scared me. "Sooo...Kawaii~Chan wanted to know..are Zane~Kun and Violet~Sama a couple?" Vi turned a deep pink, and smiled awkwardly. I'm pretty sure I held the same expression, just with a tomato-colored face. "W-w-well....Zane?" Vi begged. I gave her my best 'why do you expect me to know?' look. She scowled and turned back to Kawaii~Chan. "Kawaii~Chan, you see, it's kind of a complicated relationship we share...we're not quite sure how to explain it." "Ohhh....Kawaii~Chan sees. Can she ask another question?" Vi and  nodded. "Have Violet~Sama and Zane~Kun kissed yet?" Vi blushed just as hard as me. "Can we choose not to answer that?" I questioned, trying to save Vi from any embarrassment. Kawaii~Chan's dark yellow eyes widen so much I thought they would pop. Oh. My. Irene. Why is she so could at looking between the eyes? "So it's canon?" she squealed. With a defeated sigh, Violet confessed. "Yes, Kawaii~Chan. It's canon. BUT! You have to promise not to breath a single word to anyone, especially Aaron." Kawaii~Chan crossed her heart and hoped to die before she left, tail flicking with excitement. "I suppose that wasn't a very smart idea, huh?" I whispered into Vi's ear. She jumped, not knowing I was right behind her. "First of all: Yes. That was a terrible idea. Second of all: NEVER do that to me again!" She smirked while talking. She got closer to me again, but instead of starting another make-out session, she tucked her arms close to her body and pressed herself against me. I'm pretty sure I understood, and wrapped my arms around her, placing my chin on her head. This is WAY more than a crush, I thought. We spent the rest of the day together, just the two of us. Probably the best. Day. Ever.

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