Chapter 10

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Zane's POV

It's been a couple of days, and still no word from anyone. Lucinda offered to make a Locator potion but we didn't anticipate it to take so long. It was almost 5 pm, and still know one has even been able to talk to Lucinda, because she's been so busy. Another hour crawls past. Still nothing. Another thirty minutes later, and I had lost all patience. I walked quickly over to Lucinda's house, leaving the others in confusion. I was so pissed, I didn't even knock. I opened the door forcefully, shocking myself because I didn't think I'd be unlocked. I went down into her basement. There was a door separating the basement from the stairway, and as I reached for the handle, the thick wooden door flew open and Lucinda ran face first into me. We both took a couple steps back from each other, rubbing our foreheads from the impact. She must have recovered faster, because she hit on the side of my head. "OW!" I complained. I looked her in the eyes, and she glared dagger into my very soul. "Why are you in my house?" she demanded. "Because A) it was unlocked and B) I got impatient." I snapped back, still recovering from both run-ins. She softened her stare a bit, and continued on. "Well, lucky you because I finished the potion. To activate it, we need to pour it onto something that has a deep connection to her." Lucinda said. I immediately forgot how much pain she had put me in a couple minutes ago and looked up at her again. Wide-eyed and excited, I tried my best to keep calm. "That shouldn't be hard, considering she lives with me." Lucinda shook her head and pushed past me to get up the stairs. I followed closely behind. She sat on her couch, and I sat next to her, despite my unwillingness to, remembering the last time I was on her couch. (If you didn't know, the last time he was on her couch she had knocked him out with a spell, then accidentally turned him into a cat.) "There's a problem, however. The spell needs something that was the closest to her. We only have one shot because it will use the entire potion. If we miss our chance, we're screwed, because I don't have enough ingredients for another potion and getting them could take months. Unless you know what meant the most to her, we'll just have to take our chances." Lucinda said solemnly. She didn't leave anything out, which I was happy about, but at the same time scared, knowing what we had to do. I gave it a moment of thought, but gave up. "Maybe we should ask the others," I offered. She nodded and got up. I got up with her and followed her out to where the group was waiting. Though chatting before, they all fell silent as the watched Lucinda and I come out. They stared expectantly. Lucinda started talking. "If you haven't already guessed, I have finished the potion." This was replied with a chorus of cheers. "However," she continued, quieting them. "The spell requires the whole potion and whatever was the closest to Violet. We only have one shot, and any suggestions would be appreciated." Silence followed. Everyone appeared to be concentrating on he daunting task, wondering what was special to Vi. Aaron spoke up first, but instead of a comment, it was a question. "Does the spell work if you use it on a person?" Lucinda seemed bewildered by the question, and merely shrugged. "Why do you ask?" she questioned back. "Violet was never too attached to objects, but rather the people around her. She valued family and friends more than anything she's ever owned." This statement brought a new idea into the process, but nobody denied the fact. "I see no reason why we shouldn't try. If people went more to her than lifeless objects, I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't work." Lucinda said thoughtfully. "We just need to figure out now who she valued most." she added sadly. Aaron chuckled. "That's easy." He stated, raising quite a few confused looks. "After...what our parents....Vi and I started drifting apart slowly. I still cared for her, and wanted the best, and I know she did me, but we were never the same. This takes me out of the equation because she started seeing friends as slightly more important. This limits it down to the rest of you. To be honest, I don't think many of you will fit the bill, seeing as how she just met many of you and aren't very close to others. This pretty much brings it to the Ro'Meave brothers. She's always been very fond of you three. Especially....Zane." he finished his reasoning, and everyone turned to look at me. I never have liked being the center of attention, and got a little nervous with so many pairs of eyes locked onto me. "Well, Zane, you wanna give this a shot?" Lucinda asked, holding out the potion. I saw now that it was thin and watery, and a deep gold in color. I looked at the potion, and back at Lucinda. "Not really," I started. "But for Vi, anything." This raised another chorus of cheers, and I looked at Lucinda once more. I tried to give her look that asked, 'So...what now?', but I probably failed due to my mask. She got the message, however, and whispered so only I could hear. "We'll try it tomorrow morning, bright and early, so be ready. I want to see you at my door at 6 o'clock sharp. If you're not there, I will break into your house and get you. Got it?" I nodded. She smiled and walked back into her house. Not sure what to do between now and 6, I wondered about the streets as people strolled back to their houses. Almost at my door, I was stopped. I turned and found Aaron, and though it was kind of dark, I could see that he was tearing up. "T-thanks for doing this, Z-Zane." He managed to choke out with a smile. "Any day, Aaron. But only for Vi."I replied. He nodded and let me finish my trek. Once inside, I grabbed some leftovers that Vi had made a just before the incident. It was still good, and I didn't really feel like fixing anything, so I heated it up. I don't know where they came from, but two stupid little tears formed in the corners of my eyes. The damn things started falling, despite my best efforts. Now that they started I couldn't stop them. More keep coming, and coming. I didn't remember the last time I had cried. I took off my mask to keep it dry from the salty water creeping down my face. *BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!* The microwave screamed, telling me that mah food was ready. I wiped away the tears that had eventually subsided, and got mah food. I ate in silence. after eating, I checked the time on my phone. It read 7:30 pm. I decided to sit down and watch My Little Horsie, which is only the BEST. SHOW. EVER. I got through about two episodes, and started to get sleepy. Weird, I thought. It's only 8:30 I usually don't go to bed until 11 on a normal day. No matter, I dozed off anyways. It felt like I had barely fallen asleep when I heard pounding on the door. It sounded urgent. I groggily got up and walked to the door, completely forgetting about my mask. I opened the door to find Lucinda, with a very worried expression on her face. That quickly disappeared. She smiled from ear to ear, which I found odd until it came to me. Crap, I thought. I'm not wearing my mask. "Hey Zane," she said sweetly. "Hi," I responded, still too tired to really comprehend what's happening. "You ready?" she asked. "Ready for what?" I yawned. She scowled and let herself in. "Oh, why of course you can come in, Lucinda," I said sarcastically. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Are you ready to try the potion or not?" she asked again. "What? Oh! Yeah, I guess I'm ad ready as I'll ever be." I yawned again. "OK, here we go!" she squeaked walking towards me. I yawned once more, and Lucinda saw her chance to piss me off. While I yawned, she took the potion, sneaked up behind me, and poured it on me. I flinched as the cold liquid fell off my hair. "Don't move, Zane!" she commanded. I tried not to move. "OK, you can move again." she said after like, five minutes. I started to feel numb. My vision blurred, and started fading to black. I knew I had fallen, but didn't feel the impact. Lucinda screamed. Then, suddenly, everything stopped. All the numbness, the blinding, it just, stopped. Everything seemed normal, yet somehow, different. It didn't take me long to realize why.

A/N: So, for those of you reading this, thank you. Second, I want to start a new book, and I want your opinion on which MyStreet/MCD ship I should write about. If I think I'd be fun to write about, I might just. Thanks for putting your views in the comments below!

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