Chapter 8

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???'s POV

"We got 'er! Now, pay up!" I heard 'im yell. No one knows 'is real name, so we just call 'im Stubble. Lame, but they don't work for me. I didn't give 'im 'is nickname. The woman sitting next to me smiled maliciously. 'er black cat ears flopped down, and 'er needle sharp canines showed. 'er green eyes sparkled with mischief. My kinda gal. Regaining 'er composure, she brushed 'er purple hair off of 'er shoulder and walked out, tail swishing from left to right. I followed close behind to see this find for myself.

Zane's POV

"I'm sure she's fine, Zane!" Katelyn still wouldn't give up. I knew something was wrong. I just knew it. I had dialed her number about ten times, and still no answer. I texted her and hour ago, and still no response. "One more try," I begged. Katelyn groaned. I dialed one more time, and after a few rings, someone answered. I got my hopes up, only to have them crash down again. "'Ello? Who is ya and what d'ya want?" A smooth male voice said one the other line. He talked with some northern accent, like a Brooklyn accent. (Sorry if I offended anyone!) "Who is this?!" I demanded. "Why's it matter? Eh, whatever. Don't call this number again." The mystery man's silk voice turned rough and aggressive, and it startled me. He hung up. At this point, Katelyn started to actually look worried. I realized that I had accidentally put on speaker phone. I stared Katelyn directly in the eyes, and she stared back. "S-should we t-tell the others?" she whispered, sounding a little frightened which was unusual of her. "Definitely," I responded without a moments thought. "But first, maybe the police." I said. She nodded. The phone was ringing for not even a minute, when someone answered. "Hello,     9-1-1, what's your emergency?" asked a sweet female voice on the other end. "M-my roommate was stolen," I managed to stutter out. Silence. "How long have they been gone?" she asked me. "Multiple hours, but it's abnormal for her to leave without a note or text or anything." I explained. More silence. "I'm sorry, but there's nothing the PD can do until the person has been missing for two days," she said calmly. "Thanks anyway, I guess." "WAIT!" she yelled. "This isn't going to help you at all, but you are free to take your own investigations as long as they're legal, and you can make a report again in exactly 48 hours." "Thanks again, miss." I said and hung up. "Well?" Katelyn asked. "There's nothing they can two until she's been missing for two days!" I exclaimed. "Than we'll find her ourselves!" Katelyn proclaimed. She marched back to her house, but then turned back and looked me in the eye. "Go over to Aaron and Aphmau's, and let them know. Tell every house on the street." she ordered. I nodded, and she continued walking. I ran towards Aaron and Aphmau's house. How am I going to explain this? I thought. How will Aaron react? I guess I had been running faster than I thought, because soon enough I was at their front door. I gulped as much fear as I could, and knock, firm and steady. Aaron answered. Great. He gave me a questioning look. "W-we think Violet's missing." I told him as calm as I  could. All the same I could feel my lower lip trembling for her sake. His expression immediately turned from confused to beyond worried. "When?" He demanded. "We've been trying to contact her for ten minutes, and when we finally got an answer, It was some guy." Aaron pushed past me and marched away, but stopped. "Ok, so, what do we do?" he looked clueless, and I don't blame him. I shrugged my shoulders. "Have you called the police?" "We tried, but apparently they 'can't do anything until she's been missing for 48 hours.'" He growled. I moved on, and let everyone else know the news.

Katelyn's POV

I told everyone around my house know the news about Violet. Before long, I had a small army of concerned friends following me. I met up with Zane and Aaron near Zane's house. "Is that everyone?" he asked me. "Maybe, I don't know!" I snapped. I was a little paranoid knowing that Violet was kidnapped from her own home, where one should feel completely safe. "Good enough." Aaron said, breaking the silence. "Let's find my sister."

Michi's POV

Michi watched as these idiots carried Violet out from their dusty old car. She was still unconscious. Purrrfect. Michi smiled as she watched them set Violet up against a box. Take 'er to the basement," the leader commanded. Everything was coming together, and soon Michi would have her revenge. Once Violet was tied, Michi thought of one last thing to do. "Get out. Michi has something she needs to do in private." Michi hissed. She flipped her light purple hair out of her face. She set up a makeshift brewing stand, and made a potion. A special potion, one that Michi knew Violet would hate. Michi quickly injected the potion with a needle, directly into the bloodstream, and watched as the magics happened. Michi ran upstairs. Nya!~

Just Roomates | A ZanexOC FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora