Chapter 7

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Violet's POV

I got home from shopping with Aphmau, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, and the rest of the girls. I must say, it was pretty fun. Unlocking the door to the house, I didn't even consider the possibility that Zane was asleep. After looking around the house, I finally found him passed out on his bed fully dressed, mask and all. Surprised that he listened to my advice, I smiled. He does listen to me rant and nag, I thought. Sweet. He moved a little, and mumbled something I couldn't hear or understand. Cute, I found myself thinking again. AGAIN! For whatever reason, I couldn't get him out of my head. At first I figured it was because we were roommates, or housemates, or something. It kept getting stronger the longer I stayed. I didn't understand. He mumbled again as I was leaving, but this time it was a little clearer. "N-no, don't leave me," It was almost a whisper. Spooked that he somehow knew, IN HIS SLEEP, that I was in his room, but am now leaving, I froze. Stupid and cliche, but that's what I did. "N-no, p-please don't g-go," he begged again. Oddly finding it adorable a split second later, I turned back and sat at the foot of his bed. "It's OK Zane, I won't leave," I almost felt stupid when I said it, thinking that this was just a weird coincidence. My mind changed again when he smiled. He snored softly. He clumsily reached out his arm, and felt around for something. His hand stopped. On my hand. I could feel myself blushing bright red, and getting the feeling to move. I just couldn't. I loved the feeling of Zane being near me, and that moment when he rested his hand on mine. He unconsciously knew exactly what was happening. Then it hit me. It hit be like a brick. I couldn't possibly, could I? I questioned. "Vi.." he mumbled. That was the final straw. There was no denying it. I loved Zane Ro'Meave. Or, at least liked him, in a "more than friends" way. I felt tears form in my eyes. I didn't know why. Soon enough I could feel the warm wetness of them falling down my face. They reached my mouth, which was slightly open. I tasted the salty flavor as the tears were swallowed. I wiped the remaining tears away. Zane moved again. I looked at Zane's clock and realized I had been sitting there for a good seven minutes. It was 2:13 pm. I went to leave again. "No! Please don't leave..I..I.." He said a lot louder this time. He was crying in his sleep. I went back and pulled off his mask gently. Wiping his tears away, I whispered, "Don't worry Zane. I'll always be right here. And just remember; I'll always be here  if you need me." I smiled again. Leaving, for real, I crept down the stairs. I was just on the main floor when I felt a heavy object strike the back of my head. I fell to the floor. My vision blurred. I could just make out an open door, and red liquid. My blood? I thought. Then everything faded to black.

Zane's POV

*DREAM SEQUENCE! WARNING: NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART! (well, that depends on you)*

I was standing in a small clearing in the middle of a forest. The smell of pine overwhelmed me. I heard rustling to my left. Turning, I watched as Violet stepped out of the trees wearing a lilac top and black jacket. She had on Ripped black pants that hugged her legs closely. On her feet were Heavy black boots. Her face was dirty and her hairy was greasy and tangled, with small leaves and twigs poking out here and there. She smiled. I smiled back. Even though she had a rough appearance, she was as stunning as ever. She turned around and went back the way she had come. "No," I whispered to myself. "N-no, don't leave me," I yelled. I was fighting tears. She looked at me again and walked back to me. I smiled. "It's OK Zane, I won't leave," She whispered. Her sweet voice seemed to echo through the forest. I reached for her hand and grabbed it. "Vi.." I whispered. She pressed and finger to her lips. She let go of my hand and walked away slowly. "No! Please don't leave me..I..I.." I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. They rolled carelessly down my cheeks. She ran back to me, and wiped away my tears. She smiled as she whispered "Don't worry Zane. I'll always be right here. And just remember; I'll always be here if you need me." In one sound, I heard the separate noises of a taught string being released, the whistling of a flying object, and the wet thud it had made when it landed. Violets eyes widened and she gasped quietly. Blinking a few times, she doubled over, coughing up blood. It stained the green grass around us. She fell to her knees. As she did so, I saw it. The deep red blood gushing out, and how it stuck out of her back, he beautiful outfit ruined more with the liquid oozing out. That noise I had heard, it all made since. She had been shot with a bow. Kneeling down to her eye level, I tried to tell her it would be "OK." She shook her head, clearly in physical pain. Her eyes rolled up until you could only see the whites. With her last breath she whispered, "Goodbye," She collapsed, dead. I cried. Instead of feeling sad, however, I was furious. I drew a beautiful black sword from its sheath, and pointed in the direction of where the arrow had come from. What I saw disturbed me. I saw myself. Even through the demonic white eyes and black magic aura, I could tell. He, or I, or whatever, stepped toward me. Scared, I didn't know whether to fight or run. In one swift motion it took its sword and cut across my throat. Everything blurred and then faded


I woke up with a start. Sweating and eyes wide, I was breathing heavily. I checked my clock to realize I had wasted a whole day sleeping. Not complaining, just saying. It was 5:27, pm. I calmed myself down, realizing that it was just a dream and Violet was still alive. Once I was calmed, I started to notice more details about the surroundings. The first thing I noticed was that my mask was missing. I put it back on. Next I realized that the house was completely silent. Unusual, I thought. Maybe Vi's not home yet? I cleaned myself up a little and left my room. When I got to the bottom of the steps the first thing I smelled was smoke, like cigarettes. This was worrying me, because I didn't know anyone who smoked. I grabbed a to-go snack and left. Walking down the street, I ran into Katelyn. "Watch it, will ya?" she growled. Ah, classic Katelyn. Still hates me. I thought, not yet realizing the error of this encounter. Wait, KATELYN?! "Katelyn," I started. "What?" Not as harsh that time, she sounded genuinely confused. "Did all of the girls come home from the mall?" I asked. "Yeah. We came back, had lunch at my place, and they all went home. Why?" I was panicking. "Violet isn't home, and it's not like her to leave without at least giving me a note to let me know where she is." I explained as calmly as I could. "I think something happened to her." I added.

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