Chapter 16

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Zane's POV

It's been a week since Vi got sick. She's still not better yet. Her condition has improved; she did stop puking, but she still has a fever. She stays in bed all the time, and I feel bad for her. Then I came up with and idea. I ran to her room, and slowed as I approached. I opened her door slowly and silently. Soft little snores mixed with a couple 'mews' came from her mouth. Still sleeping. I walked farther in to make sure she was ok. I shouldn't have. She was so cute, curled under her blankets sleeping. Every so often her tail would sway, or her ear would twitch. (Remember that they're still animal-people). I thought back to when she poured water on me and I chased her around the house. How I even considered kissing her when I finally had her pinned. Violet moved off of her right side to her back, still unaware of my presence. I'll wait for her to wake up before I ask her. I left her to her sleep.

Violet's POV

I woke up after another long nap. I'm not going to lie; Being sick had it's perks. I get to sleep as much as I want, I have no responsibilities, and I get to eat ice cream! There are problems, though. I've been cooped up inside this house for a week. I can't stand NOT going outside. I sighed and leaped out of bed, feeling a lot better. I practically flew down the stairs, scaring the crap out of an unsuspecting Zane. "Oh my Irene Vi!" he screamed. "What the hell was that for?!" I could tell he was smirking under that stupid mask of his. An evil thought popped into my head. I reached forward, close to his face. He was ultra confused. I swiftly untied the mask and pulled it away. He finally understood what I was doing. He was mad. Crap.. I thought. Zane was going to murder me. "NYA~!" I squealed, before I ran. He chased me. I was reminded of the time I poured water on him in the kitchen. I guess I wasn't fast enough. I felt myself being turned around and pushed against a wall. Zane looked at me and cocked his head. I shook my head defiantly. He growled, and it scared me have to death. His expression changed, and I knew he had thought of a way to try to get me to give it up. Either that or just and idea in general. He did the unexpected. He leaned in, close to my face. We were just inches from kissing. My heart skipped a beat as he leaned closer. Our noses were now touching. I had butterflies darting around in my stomach. He moved his hand to the back of my neck. Is he really going to kiss me? He looked serious. Zane was never a very good actor. I didn't know how to feel. This was actually going to be my first kiss. I felt his warm breath on my lips. He pulled me forward and we kissed. I was startled at first my the quickness of him pulling me, but that didn't last long. He fulled away after a minute. I wish he didn't. I never wanted it to end. His entire face turned a deep crimson color. He looked at his feet sheepishly. I smiled. He's so cute when he's being shy. I put my thumb under his chin and brought up his face to meet me. I leaned in for another kiss, as well as he. We were so close when the doorbell interrupted us. Damn it! Zane walked to the door and I followed, He opened it to a woman about my height, with blonde wavy hair and brown eyes. She had a mustard-colored shirt and dark brown belt. She had dark skinny jeans and Wedged brown boots. I couldn't believe it. It was Della.

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