Chapter 14

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Zane's POV (I know...I'll change it this chapter I promise)

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I looked around and realized that it was Violet's room. It all came crashing down. I remembered everything about last night all in one go. I got up and used the bathroom. "N-no, don't leave.." I heard Violet mumble. I smiled. "I'll be right back," I whispered back. "Mmkay Zane..."She smiled too. When I finished in the bathroom, I happened to look at myself in the mirror. Something was off, I just couldn't put my finger on it. More memories. I looked at myself and realized three new things at once. First, I was human again! Thank Irene! Second, I had dog ears and a tail still. Slightly less "yay". Last but not least, I was naked. Yes, you heard me correctly. Completely, 100% all natural. Oh God, I thought. Why does this only happen to me? I ran into my room and got on some underwear and pajama pants. I walked back to Vi's room. I sat on her bed and saw her hand reach for my arm. She tried to pull me down into the bed again. She couldn't do it, but I played along and lied down. She rested her arm on my chest and left it there. When I finally thought she was asleep, I started to leave her bed again. "N-no, please stay?" she begged. I stayed. She rested her hand on my chest again and..rubbed my chest? I don't know what she was doing, but whatever it was it made me blush so much. She snuggled closer to me. After a while, I fell back to sleep too.

Violet's POV (Told you I'd change it..)

I woke up in my own bed, a little surprised. Slowly the pieces started to fall together. I felt something move under my hand. I jumped and looked down. It was Zane, but he had doggish ears and a tail. More pieces of the puzzle. I smiled, and let him be. He should definitely sleep in, I thought. I went downstairs to the kitchen and decided to make some breakfast. I was almost done, when I heard Zane lumber down the stairs. "Hey Vi," he said rather sleepily. I giggle. He's so cu.. I started to think. No! Zane is just your friend. Let's leave it that way. (Inner voice 2): Violet we've already talked about this. You like him. Own it, be proud of it! Nothing wrong with a crush, right? "Helloooo? Earth to Vi?" Zane said. I snapped out of my thoughts and blushed. WHY DID YOU BLUSH?! I went back to my cooking.

After breakfast, which consisted of the worlds' best eggs, toast, and bacon, according to Zane, I decided to take it easy for the day. Zane agreed. "I'd love to join you Vi," he said. "But I've gotta run to work, Bye!" "Bye Zane!" I yelled back. Finally. A day to myself. I turned on Netflix and saw that the newest season of ONCE was on. I binged on the our-long episodes until I fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~(Dream Sequence)~~~~~~~~~

I was viewing a scene in the third person view. I saw myself. I looked to be about nine. I was huddled behind my mother, crying. My father stood over the both of us, empty beer bottle in hand. He was clearly beyond drunk. Aaron, who appeared to be about fourteen. He was fighting tears while standing in front of me and Mother. "I won't let you hurt them.." he said in a quavering voice. Father got mad, and hit Aaron. The impact sent Aaron to floor, unconscious. I screamed. I ran over to where Aaron lay, not sure what to do. Father was still mad, and thus violent. He tried to hit me, too, but I ran. I didn't know what Mother had done, but it must have been bad. Father took and old fire poker and hit Mother with it multiple times. "MAMA!" I screamed. Too late. Blood poured out of the fatal wounds, and I knew she was dead. Father seemed surprised, and little angry at himself. He turned to me, and with I very serious voice, said, "If you tell a soul about this, Ima whip you good. You might end up like your Mama here." I was frozen with fear. I nodded rapidly, still crying. I looked at Aaron who was still. Was he even breathing? Ghost me thought. Just then, Aaron took a deep, unsteady breath. Ghost me sighed. Everything started fading together, becoming blurry. 

~~~~~~~~~(End Dream Sequence)~~~~~~~~~

I woke up screaming, and crying. Aaron sat there and quickly turned to face me when I woke up. He knew what my dream was about. He scooted closer to me and hugged me. I cried into his shoulder for Irene knows how long. He kept stroking my hair and whispering into my ear. "Shhhh.....It's OK." "No it's not," I sobbed back. "It is. That was then. This is now. Everyone is OK." His voice was so soothing. I ended up crying myself to sleep.

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