› Fifty-Four / Rory Street ‹

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"Rick isn't here," Glenn replied, glancing sideways towards me. I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean by 'isn't here?' I questioned, standing up and pushing the chair towards the table.

"Himself, Daryl and some others left to go scout out the area before tomorrow, just a few minutes ago," he replied, acting as if there's nothing wrong with that.

"Glenn!" Maggie yelled, hitting his arm.

"What?" he questioned, glaring at her before he came to realisation. Before anyone realised, I left the room and stormed up to Rick's bedroom. I opened the door with enough strength, making it hit the wall behind it. I noticed his colt python lying on the bedside table. I glared at it before picking it up.

"Jordan!" Glenn's rushed voice came from behind me. I whipped around, holstering the weapon.

"What?" I asked cluelessly.

"You can't go! He won't expect you to be there and if you tu-" I cut him off.

"I don't care, he didn't even tell me! What if something happened here and I couldn't find him? Do you know how fucking hard that'd be? Imagine if Maggie did that to you.." I argued, turning back around to find a knife or something of the sort.

I heard Glenn sigh from behind me.

"I'll come with you."

"Absolutely not. You're staying here to hold this shit down, if anything happens, you need to be here. Don't leave your wife the way my boyfriend left me here," I answered, rummaging through a draw. Under a stack of white shirts a machete was hidden underneath. I smiled to myself before whipping it out of the draw and holstering it.

"Please be safe and take a car. I can draw you a map too," he said. I turned around and smiled softly at him.

"That'd be great, thank you," I thanked him, making him leave and go downstairs. I rolled my shoulders back before following him.


"Be safe, alright?" Beth whispered to me through the window. I smiled at her.

"Always am!" I answered.

"That's debatable," Glenn grumbled, from behind her. I glared at him as he came over and gave me the map. I studied it briefly and placed it on the passenger seat, along with my backpack with a few supplies.

"Thank you Glenn. Keep things in order here, okay?" I grinned at him. He smiled back and nodded. I quickly buckled up my seat belt and crept forward up to the gate, waiting for Eugene to open it. 

I watched as Eugene pulled open the gate and waved to me as I went through.

I was actually driving -- alone. It was the first time in a little while where I actually drove somewhere. I hadn't driven in ages. I used to love driving, especially when I was involved in a high speed chase. I just loved the adrenaline associated with operating a machine such as a car. I used to want to be a pilot when I was really young for that reason and when I say young, I meant like 3 years old. I used to pretend I was a plane too, it's kinda embarrassing now that I think about it.

I had all the windows down, making my hair fly around in the wind. I felt free... or as free as I could get at the end of the world. I glanced at the map, knowing that there was a side road coming up soon that I had to go down before a last left turn. That's where Rick and the others supposedly had parked up. I looked at the upcoming road sign, realising it was the correct one.

Jordan Taylor › Rick Grimes F.FWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu