Final Chapter.

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Liam's P.O.V

Song: Please don't say you love me by Gabrielle Aplin.


Anxiety, fear, anger, love.

Emotions fluttering inside me like a nest of caterpillars released from there cocoons and evolving into fully-fledged butterflies. Before opening the door I prepared myself for the worse. I kept on holding back whatever selfishness I had and made sure to be there for Jacob and only him. This wasn't about me right now. Not how sad or angry I am about the situation. No, this is about Jacob and him recovering. Him coming back to my arms.

I had my mindset and nothing was going to change it. I was going to be there for him.

All my resolves flew out the window like dust in the wind the minute I saw Jacob. Lying in that white polka dot gown and those white sheets surrounding his waist.

Gashes on his forehead and blue, black marks on his face. Thanks to the gown I never saw what was underneath but I had an idea. It wasn't good. This was definitely not good.

He looked lifeless with his body so limp without movement. Only the soft rise and fall of his chest. I wanted to break something. Anything as long as it would take the pain I'm feeling right now away. I knew it wouldn't help but I wanted to do it anyway. The only way to stop my hurting would be for him to wake up again.

The tears form in my eyes and I can feel my hands trembling at my sides. Someone's hand grips my shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze. I look behind and see Roger standing behind me. He doesn't know how much that small gesture means. Focusing on his palm I attempt to ground my emotions and thoughts. For Jacob.

With shaky steps, I slowly step forward. One foot at a time until I reach the side of the hospital bed. Now that I'm getting closer it just keeps getting worse. I feel the tears threatening to fall again but what Roger says stops me.

"Talk to him." He says softly but the room is so quiet it's amplified.

I just scoff at that.

"I heard something about people that are in an unconscious state. If you talk to them, they can still hear your voice but won't be able to respond." His hand not leaving my shoulder.

"You heard it somewhere?" I say with sarcasm dripping from every word.

"It's worth a try. It's better than just letting your thoughts do all the talking. It might help." That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I'm not talking to an unconscious Jacob.

"Okay. I'll do it." I say after a while.

"Good. I'll be outside if you need me." He drops his hand and leaves. I hear the door open and close, yet I still stand at the exact same spot.

I move forward and lower down into the chair close to his side.

"Hey babe," I say with a soft smile while grabbing his palm. Rubbing my thumb slowly over the top of his hand.

"So you went and got into a car crash the same day we were supposed to have really amazing makeup sex. It's your loss." I say with a huff at the end but playfully. My heart feels like it's going to burst.

"If you wake up right now, I'll wear that underwear you've been begging me to put on." I hold my breath and wait for a response.

All that I hear is the beeping sound of that fucking machine. Nothing from Jacob.

I laugh but it sounds more sad and depressing.

"Look. This is what's going to happen, okay? You're going to wake up soon. Really soon and all of this will just be a stupid misunderstanding. Because-" The first tear flows down and others soon follow.

"God Jacob." I take a huge intake of breath and release it slowly.

"You can't leave me alone like this. Do you hear me? I need you. I know I promised to keep it just about you but I'm a selfish person Jacob, and you know that. So please wake up. Please." Whispering the last part I bring his hand up to my forehead, letting the tears roll down my face relentlessly.

"You can't leave me okay? I won't let you. You're going to wake up and I'm going to run into your arms and we're going to live happy fucking ever after. I don't care what I have to do to make that happen." The sense of anger and sadness consumes me and it only strengthens my tears.

I feel my head pounding and lips dry after a while. I stand up and lay a small kiss on his forehead.

"I love you," I whisper onto his bruised skin.

Getting up I turn around and move towards the door. My palm on the handle I turn it but stop. I take my last look at Jacob. His lifeless form. The weakened state he is in now. Burning the memory inside my head. The feelings of hurt and sadness knowing he's in pain. Taking extra note of how injured he is. Every bruise on his amazing skin.

To remind myself of this day in the future when he wakes up.

Because he's never going to be in it again. I'm going to make damn sure he never gets hurt again. Ever.

I'm done crying and being the shy little boy. It's my turn to protect him and make him feel safe in my arms. He's going to need me and I'll make sure I'm there for him.

Always and forever.


Hey guys!

Just a short chapter to add on to the last one.

I'm working my ass off to finish Liam's story because I so want to get on with my others.

I keep starting books and neglecting them. It's so not fair to them.

So vote.
Add to all reading lists.

Thanks, guys!💟💕💖

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