Our Retired Explorer

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Hey boo! You, yeah, you! You look so adorable right now, And can i tell you, you're hair looks awesome like that :)

Vote, comment, fan, eat strawberries.

Con went down to the kitchen early in the morning, grumpy.

"Morning sunshine." Zara smirked.

"Coffee?" Louis offered.

"Lots." Con slumped into a chair.

"What's up with you?" Joel frowned.

"I had the worst sleep in history last night." Con scowled.

"You know," Zara started thoughtfully, "there's a legend, saying that when you can't sleep, it's because you're awake in someone else's dream." she beamed.

"Right. Well, if you all could stop dreaming about me, that'd be great." Con said, grumpily.

Zara made a 'surrendering' motion with her hands.

"You give me a lift?" Joel asked.

"Fine." Con picked at her toast, moodily.

"Me too?" Louis asked.

"When are any of you going to get cars?" Con rolled her eyes.

"No money." Zara sighed.

"Debt." Louis shrugged.

"Not arsed." Joel smirked and ducked Con's punch.

They piled into her car after breakfast and drove to Eden Arizona.

Once they arrived they met Hazel outside.

"We're going to be residents." Hazel said blankly.

"Yeah." Con and Zara said in unison.

"We have interns exams..tomorrow." Joel murmured.

"im going to fail." Louis shrugged.

"You don't know that." Hazel shrugged.

"I feel ill." Zara bit her lip.

"I'm going to throw up." Hazel lurched into a bush, and they heard a retching noise.

"Gross." Joel said, in distaste.


"Interns." Dr Goodwin greeted the bunch.

Con looking grumpy, Joel looking confidently bored, Louis looking blank, Zara anxious and Hazel, a pale green colour.

"We're going to be residents." Hazel repeated weakly.

Dr Goodwin stared at her as though she was something deeply unpleasant.

"Carter?" she frowned in disgust.

"Yes?" Hazel groaned.

"Go and wash your face, and.." Dr Goodwin turned up her nose, "Take a breath mint."

Hazel, hanging her head in shame, walked off to the bathrooms.

"You four?" Dr Goodwin turned to them, "This time tomorrow you will probably be sitting your exams."

Zara groaned.

"Study. Study. Study. Study." Dr Goodwin closed her eyes.

"Im taking Bennett." Dr Mace swept by.

"What? No!" Dr Goodwin's eyes snapped open.

Dr Mace grinned, shrugged and took Zara's arm and pulled her away, Zara looked helplessly back at  Con.

Intern YearsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat