Like A Virgin

307 26 15

July 6th

"I'm coming in-" Hazel shouted from outside Con's bedroom door, before it burst open and Hazel was revealed.

Con rolled over, burying her face in her pillow groaning as Hazel ripped open the blinds.

"Were you awake? It's half four-" Hazel's voice said, and Con's bedsprings groaned as Hazel collapsed on the bed beside Con, "We need to go if we don't want to miss pre-rounds."

Con groaned something incoherent and looked up disgruntled.

"I don't like you very much right now." 

"I know." Hazel grinned and pushed Con off the bed.

Con crawled out of her room and across the hall into the bathroom.

"Hey-!" Libby shouted from the shower as Con stumbled into the bathroom, "Occupied!"

"I don't-care." Con yawned, staring at herself in the mirror and cringing.

Joel appeared in the bathroom, his hair sticking up in every direction, he reached over Con and grabbed his toothbrush.

"Excuse me?!" Libby pulled back the curtain, revealing just her face and wet hair, "I don't remember inviting you all to watch me shower?"

"Don't worry, no one's peaking." Joel smirked, speaking thickly through a mouth of toothpaste foam, and sitting down on the closed toilet.

Con brushed her hair hurriedly and splashed cold water on her face as Libby made a noise of annoyance and dragged the curtain back to cover herself. 

Libby stepped out of the shower in a towel and Joel stood up to spit into the sink, narrowly avoiding Con's hands as she washed them. 

"You guys are literally living in a frat house." Hazel chuckled from the doorway, "Thank god i have my own apartment."

"If this house is so bad, why do you keep coming here?" Joel rolled his eyes as he stepped past her into the corridor.

"God knows." Hazel sighed, "Let's go!"


"You are late." Goodwin barked as Libby, Joel, Con and Hazel stumbled into the lobby, while Michael stood behind Goodwin with large rings under his eyes.

They each uttered an apology as Goodwin strode through the lobby and they followed.

"Why were you late?" Michael frowned, glancing at Libby.

"The dam frat house." Hazel smirked, pulling her hair into a ponytail.

"Hayes and Miller you're with Mace. Ramos and Owens you're in the pit. Carter you're with me." Goodwin ordered.

"Wait-we're by ourselves?" Michael frowned.

Joel rolled his eyes, "Eh-you can go find Grant and play with OB for the day?"

Michael muttered something under his breath before leaving with Joel for the pit.

"Come on-" Libby grabbed Con's arm and dragged her into the lift, "I haven't worked with Mace yet, what's he like?"

"He's-um," Con frowned a little, "He's okay."


"-It's not a serious cut but i'll take care of it," Michael spoke to the teenager and her dad in the ER, "Just look up for me?"

He snapped on a pair of rubber gloves and examined the scratch on her cheek and mopped it up.

"It hurts-" The teen, Amber, groaned as Michael accidentally prodded the cut, "Can't you numb it, or something?"

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