2 parts: 1; Return Of The Prodigal Son

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Okay, so this chapter is part 1 of this season's finalé! Which means a whole lot of drama and crazy shit happens. Enjoy, Vote, Comment, Fan, eat peanut-butter cups.


(Return of the prodigal son, Stanley Turrentine)

"Hey, Miller, you're on Trauma with me today." Dr Goodwin caught up with Con in the corridor, it was just noon.

"Ok. Down to the pit?" Con looked over at her as they entered into them lobby.

"Good god." Dr Miller was staring at a point of in the distance. 

"Dr Goodwin?" Con stared at her.

"Would you look at that." a smirk had made it's way onto Dr Goodwin's face.

Con looked to see where Dr Goodwin was staring.

There in the Foyer, in a blouse and floral skirt, hair bouncing and eyes dancing, was none other then Isabel Hayes.

"Libby." Con breathed.

"Well, well, well." Dr Goodwin walked slowly and definitely across the Foyer.

"What are we looking at?" Joel, Louis and Hazel walked over to Con in the Foyer.

"The return of the prodigal daughter!" Dr Goodwin boomed across the Foyer and Libby whipped around.

Joel and Hazel's mouths fell open as Con stood there a smirk plastered to her features.

"Hayes!" Dr Goodwin barked.

"Hey, Dr Goodwin." Libby grinned nervously, "hey..guys." she looked quickly to Con, Hazel and Joel for support, needless to say, she received stony glares.

"The only reason that you're here that i will like to hear, is that you have half your leg falling of or such like." Dr Goodwin smirked dryly at her.

"I'm afraid i'll have to disappoint." Libby half smiled.

Dr Goodwin continued with her stony smirk.

Drs Pierce and Mace walked in and stopped dead with the scene that met their eyes; Dr Goodwin and Libby Hayes standing in the centre of the Foyer. Con, Hazel, Louis and Joel standing behind Dr Goodwin and the rest of the staff around the Foyer casually watching.

"Isabel Hayes." Dr Mace shook his head, a small grin on his face.

"Hayes. Come with me." Dr Goodwin dead panned.

Libby followed Dr Goodwin out of the Lobby.

The people dispersed.

"I wonder why she's back." Hazel wondered peering after Libby and Dr Goodwin.

"Who is she?" Louis frowned.

"She, is Isabel Hayes." Con bit her lip, her smirk still firmly in place.

"Hayes? like, Libby Hayes?" Louis looked from Con to Joel to Hazel and back.

"Oh yes." Hazel nodded, smirking.

"Has Ewtonnay seen this?" Con looked around.

"Nah, he's with Roberts on plastics." Joel smirked.

Joel and Louis went over to talk to Zara who had just walked in.

"Will we go study?" Hazel looked at Con.

"Yeah." Con resigned herself, it didn't look like Dr Goodwin was coming back any time soon.

"who's service were you on?" Hazel frowned.

"Goodwin, you?"

"I was with Drew, but it's awkward. He has Ewtonnay, anyway." Hazel shrugged.

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