Sad, Sad Day

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(Sad sad day, Muddy Waters)

Why do people say rip off the band-aid?

They say, rip it off, quick and painless.

But, a band-aid is put on a cut to shield it.

It's like, a temporary fix.

It isn't permanent, but until your strong enough, it helps you.

It covers the cut, it helps you forget that its's like a..distraction.

Maybe we rip off the band aid, before the cut has healed, because we're curious to see the cut, the blood, the wound.

To see exactly what's going on underneath.


Con, Hazel and Zara's heels clacked on the pavement outside the church.

Louis and Joel followed behind.

"Interns." Dr Goodwin barked from where she was coming over from her car.

She looked very different out of her scrubs.

she was wearing a long loose black dress with tight top and a shawl, she had on nylon black tights and high heels. Her hear wasn't curly and bushy like it usually was, it was silky and straight.

"..Wow.." Zara gaped unflatteringly at her.

"Bennett." She growled.

"Yes?" Zara raised her eyebrows.

"Stop staring at my bosom."

"yes, ma'am'." Zara nodded quickly and lead the procession inside the church.

There were rows of mourners dressed in black.

A plump woman who looked to be in her mid fifty's walked over to them.

"Mrs Ramos?" Dr Goodwin guessed.

"Oh please, dear, call me Barbara. Who might you be?" Mrs Ramos smiled weakly.

"Oh, im Dr Eleanor Goodwin. I am really so sorry for your loss-" Dr Goodwin held Barbara's hand.

"Wait, Dr Goodwin?" She smiled.

"Ah-Yes." Dr Goodwin nodded.

"Well," Barbara squeezed Dr Goodwin's hand, "My son talked of you very fondly. He was..he was in awe of you, Doctor. Really, he was."

Dr Goodwin's face broke into a sad smile.

"He really looked up to you.." Barbara bit her lip, "And you five must be his fellow interns. Let's see, Con, Hazel, Joel, Zara and Louis." Barbara recited.

"y-yes." Hazel smiled, tears welling in her eyes.

"Michael told me about all of you. He loved you all, i could tell."  Barbara rubbed Hazel's shoulder.

Joel shifted awkwardly.

"Yes, even you." Barbara smiled knowingly at Joel, "I know you gave him a hard time. He told me about it, but," Barbara paused looking at Joel, "He admired you, a lot, Joel." 

Joel's eyebrows shot up, "Really?" he croaked.

"Oh, yes." Barbara nodded, a single tear running don her face. 

Barbara was then led of by the priest.

"She's a lot like Ramos." Dr Goodwin observed, her voice shaky.

The interns nodded in agreement, Joel, Zara and Louis feeling very uncomfortable.

"Look, red head, four o'clock." Joel nudged Con.

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