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(Rude, MAGIC!)


"Owens. Miller. Carter." Chief Park nodded at each of them.

 They waited in the lobby of the hospital.

Hazel was nervous, Joel was annoyed and Con was bored.

"The new interns will be here in the next five to ten minutes." Dr Goodwin stated.

She was waiting to meet them to, as they would be her interns.

"I swear to god if they're late, too..." Joel muttered, irritatedly.

"Remember, they're new here, they will be shy. Imagine if you were shipped of to a hospital in some random state. How would you feel?" Dr Goodwin muttered to them, sounding angry.




Those were the words that kept being used to describe the new interns.

"Have you met them, Dr Goodwin?" Hazel asked.

"No. None of us have." Dr Goodwin tapped her foot impatiently.

"I can't believe this has to happen.." Joel huffed.

"Here they come." Chief said, as a car drew up beside the hospital and two people got out.

"Hey, Im Zara Bennett, and this is Louis Conway. We're the transfers from New Jersey." the girl said, holding out her hand to Dr Goodwin, who looked taken aback.

"I'm Dr Goodwin." She said, shaking the hand.

The interns took in her appearance.

She was gorgeous, long, dark brown hair and hazel eyes, very confident.

She was gorgeous, long, dark brown hair and hazel eyes, very confident

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"i'm Chief of surgery. Chief Park." Chief Park held out her hand.

"These will be your fellow surgical interns." Dr Goodwin brandished a hand at Joel, con and Hazel.

"Con Miller." Con rolled her eyes.

"Joel Owens." Joel spat.

"Hazel Carter." She smiled.

Zara Bennett hardly looked at them.

"Louis Conway." Louis grinned.

He had brown highlighted hair and sea green eyes.

He had brown highlighted hair and sea green eyes

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